A Billionaire S Stardust
Aala's pov :
I turned around on the bed and my hand landed on the empty spot beside me which made me open my eyes and look for him, I checked the time it showed 7:09 in the morning.
I sat up and looked around he was no where in sight, the gym room was open and I smiled he must be in there I slipped on my flip flops and tied my hair in a top knot.
As I entered the gym my smile widened I leaned on the door frame and kept watching him like a creep with folded hands on my chest observing his every move.
He was practicing his kickboxing moves, his top less giving a spectacular view of his chiseled body with toned abs, his muscles flexed every time he moved his hair messy like he had ran his fingers many times as he ducked and kicked the sand punching bag.
And a memory flashed in my mind when I first saw him kickboxing.
I finished reading a bed time story for zain he was passed out holding me close, I kissed his chubby cheeks and pulled the duvet over and tucking him in.
Zaam was still in the gym I went to check on him when I saw him kickboxing as sweat glistened on his forehead, his moves were timed with perfection, I leaned on the door frame watching as he boxed.
When suddenly his booming voice made me came out of my reverie "staring is rude sunshine But because its you I don't mind!" He smirked as he looked at me from head to toe I was wearing his black tees and my black legging.
I smiled and shook my head as I marched inside the gym room and stood in front of him as usual his height towering over me.
"Speechless seeing me box are we?" He sassed as I gave him smile shaking my head "You're great hubby but you leave your guard down easily which might gave a chance for your opponent to attack!" I told him wrapping the hand wrap tightly around my hand.
Realization dawned on him as he nodded "want to prove it ?" He winked as I wore the gloves and winked back at him as we both took the stance, I was in my defensive stance and he was ready to attack.
I know he won't hurt me and I just wanted to have fun and as expected he lunged at me which I easily ducked and blocked all his jabs and cross, his hits were not with his entire force as he was restricting himself not to hurt me by any chance.
Then he increased his pace in attacking and I should appreciate he was really fast as he saw my defense getting weak he let his guard down just for a moment as I expected.
I ducked under and linked my legs with his making him fall as he clearly was not expecting it from me I wrapped my arms around his neck holding him in a lock as I grinned "this is what I was talking about got it?" I told him releasing as I stood up and he was lying on the thick foam carpet on his back and looking at me with a smirk.
"I know sunshine just wanted to see what you will do?" He asked as he pulled my hand which made me lose my balance as I fell on top of him with a shriek and he was laughing hard while encircling his arms around my back.
"Well I'm a sister of a pro kickboxer remember, humza taught me!" I told him wiggling to get out of his hold but he just rolled over in a blink hovering over me with a smirk.
"How can I forget? Sunshine you surprise me every single time!" He grinned as he placed a sensual kiss on my neck making my breath hitch in my throat.
"You look so sexy in all beast mode!" He kissed my jaw then the side of my lips as I ran my fingers in his hair messing it even more than it actually was.
When, he finally kissed my lips passionately making butterflies dangle in my stomach as my grip tightened on the back of his neck.
We were both breathing hard when he ended the kiss and kept his forehead on mine eyes closed just savoring the moment.
"You drive me crazy love, I'm addicted to you!" He told opening his eyes letting me see the deep passionate love his eyes held for me.
And my heart fluttered and that was the moment I knew I couldn't make him wait more as I finally confessed "I may not had said it earlier but now I couldn't keep it in myself, I LOVE YOU ZAAMIN I don't know when or how it happened but it just happened you stole my heart ruthlessly without giving me a chance to guard it, I thought I wasn't capable to love anyone but you proved me wrong you made me fall in love with you hard with no going back, you stood beside me through every thick and thin no matter how much I hurted you or pushed you away you were always there as my anchor holding me strong you're the most beautiful person in with a heart of gold! and I promise to cherish you till the last of my breath, I love you!" I told him cupping his face as his mouth opened in shock as if he couldn't belive i actually confessed.
He was at loss of words seeing his flabbergasted state i chuckled kissing the tip of nose affectionately which finally made him snap out of his daze like state.
"You really love me?" He asked like he couldn't belive it his baby blue eyes widening in excitement and disbelief to which i chuckled and nodded my head in yes "I do! I really love you!"
That was enough for him to crush me into a bone crushing hug as he laughed in happiness "I can never get tired of hearing it from you sunshine, I love you more!" He told tucking a strand behind my ear as he leaned down and kissed me slowly with so much affection that he thought his heart will burst.
Flashback ends.
"Taking advantage of a half naked man, are we?" Zaamins teasing voice made me snap out of my flashback as I chuckled "Nope he's all mine to begin with!" I winked at him advancing towards him in slow steps.
He removed his gloves and gulped some water sitting on the cushioned bench when I reached him he pulled me towards him and made me sit on his lap.
He kissed my lips softly then leaned down to kiss swollen belly affectionately when at the same time our baby kicked "looks like she's going to be a daddy's girl sunshine!" He grinned rubbing my tummy.
"Ha as if zain is still mommy's boy you stole him from me too Mr!" I raised my brow at him to which he smiled sheepishly which made me pout.
I was 38 weeks pregnant and there's one more week till I give birth to our baby girl, I was already 12 weeks pregnant when we attended the TEG CLUB PARTY and met everyone.
"Oops sorry love not my fault, you know no one can resist me even the mommy of my babies loves me the most!" He told smugly winking at me to which I just bit my lip and chuckled.
"Why did you wake up its still 7 in the morning you need rest sunshine, even zain is still in his taekwondo class! " he asked rubbing my tummy.
I placed my head on his chest cocooning myself in his warmth "the bed felt cold without you and you know very well that I can't fall asleep without you, You're a very bad influence on me husband!" I hit his chest playfully which made him laugh.
"Is that so then I need to correct my mistake, let's get you to bed!" He stood up still holding me in his arms he walked inside our room "I'm not sleepy anymore zaamin! I'm craving Nutella cheesecake and oreo shake!" I battled my eyelashes at him innocently and pouted.
He just looked at me in utter disbelief and shook his head as he chuckled "you'll be the death of me sunshine, how can I say no to that cute face, even though you emptied a jar of Nutella yesterday?" He questioned but I just smiled sheepishly showing my pearly whites at him.
Zaamin's pov :
I was amused seeing her eat the Nutella cheesecake like a child happily while I sipped my coffee and zain was eating his strawberry pancakes with maple syrup.
We were having our early morning breakfast on our rooms balcony overlooking the lush garden and fountain, the smell of fresh roses, daisy, tulips, orchids making the morning breeze pleasant and magnificent to enjoy.
I couldn't hold my laugh when the maids placed the fresh bowl of berries, bell pepper fritata, waffles and French toast and a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice in front of her to eat instead of her desired cheesecake and shake.
She glared at me but I held my ground "if you finish these then you may have your desired wishes sunshine!" I winked at her and she groaned she took the fork and stabbed the piece of waffles probably thinking of me, I couldn't help but to find the act cute.
She took small portions of everything to eat when she pouted that she couldn't eat more I finally gave in to her request as the maids brought her, her favoutire delicacy to eat.
Whenever I look at her tummy it still gives me goosebumps that we are going to have a child, when aala first broke the news to me i was so shocked that I couldn't even understand anything.
The happiness the nervousness i felt at that moment was unexplainable, when we found out the gender I was over the moon we were having a girl.
zain was so ecstatic when he found that he's going to be a big brother, he's overprotective of his mum just like me he doesn't allow her go anywhere alone.
When I'm in office my little boy takes care of his mom, her own little bodyguard, he doesn't allow her to walk alone, he always makes sure she's accompanied and is feeling good.
My zain is so mature for his age, aala wanted to give birth in LA she wanted to be close to her mum and asfa, so I decided its best for her to be in a happy surrounding rather than here in New york.
So we were in California from the past three weeks I've been handling my business from here, I can't leave aala alone when its the time she needs me the most.
After breakfast we headed down as everyone was settled on the living room, I held her both hands as I smiled at her she looked so cute in her beige maternity gown.
"How are you feeling aal? How is your back pain?" Humza questioned her giving her a tight hug and kissing her forehead as she smiled at him "I'm fine humza! Alhamdulillah no need to worry!" She smiled at as he made her sit on the couch.
I took arham from him as I kissed his chubby cheeks "Da-da-da!" He was blabbering in his baby voice squealing as munched on his favourite brownie.
"Who needs some freshly baked brownies?" Asfa came from the kitchen holding the brownie platter as zain followed him closely already munching on brownies in both of his hands.He just can't resist his avva mommies brownies, he's a sucker for it.My loves special brownie!Aala grinned seeing the brownie as she took one happily "its delicious asfu!" Rey chirped taking another one as asfa grinned.She settled beside humza as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder pulling her close, he kissed her temple affectionately as she talked about how zain helped her in baking, her little souk chef.I can clearly see the love between them as she smiled at him shyly when he said something in her ear making her eyes go wide.Haan wiped reys mouth with his thumb to clean the brownie crumbs as she smiled at him sheepishly for still behaving like a kid, she was playing with ruhaan, he was smart for his age as he tried to build various things while playing with his blocks the trio was sprawled on the lush fur carpet as mumma clapped encouraging him.Aala squeezed my hand as she leaned on me, I instantly wrapped my arms around her she laid her head on my chest "Couldn't able to belive the fact that we have come so far in our life!" She grinned and I nodded at her in agreement."Truly blessed to have you in my life no matter how many times I thank Allahﷻ for you it'll be less! Thank you for not giving up on me zaam!" She suddenly became emotional ah these pregnancy hormones!"Don't cry sunshine! You know I hate it when you cry right? Actually I'm really lucky to have you in my life, you filled my dull life with colors, you not only were a good wife but also a spectacular mother to our baby and not to forget you're carrying our princess, you don't know how happy and special you make me feel! Words are not enough to describe my gratefulness to Allahﷻ for giving me you as a partner till and in jannah!" I said sincerely as I wiped her tears and she gave me her beautiful smile which I'm crazy about."I LOVE YOU ZAAMIN!" she said filled with emotions as he grinned."I LOVE YOU MORE SUNSHINE! YOU,ZAIN AND OUR PRINCESS ARE MY WHOLE LIFE!" he replied kissing her cheek then he crouched and placed a kiss on her tummy making her chuckle when their baby girl kicked as if agreeing with his father.Both watched the children play happily as she smiled rubbing her belly, she once thought there's no way she can be happy without thinking about her past but here she's happy and moving on from her past.She can never forget her past it was a happy memory which will be preserved in her heart all her life at the same time she embraced her present with zaamin as a beautiful future awaits for them.It was not easy...but they made it!Because they knew their happiness lies in each other!She smiled when she remembered the promise of Allahﷻ "INDEED WHAT IS TO COME WILL BE BETTER FOR YOU THAN WHAT HAS GONE BY" AND SHE COULDN'T BE ANYMORE GRATEFUL!THE END.._________________________________________
Last update! How was the chapter guys?
Can't belive its finished🥺 I'm so gonna miss my characters🤧
It's a nostalgic moment for me, lots of things happened while writing this book and you guys sticked with me till the end, can't able to believe how lucky I'm🤧
A big jazakallahu khairan for all the sweethearts🥰 who supported me and encouraged me and also to my silent readers😉 I'm waiting for them to make an appearance too😉
See you soon sweethearts in my next book which is almost ready🤓 but I will post that based on your responses to this chap.
-love Noha
And here's the sneak peak 😁
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