A Z Bnha X Oc
He turned to look at her when her heard another voice and he didn't look annoyed,
yet."You're going to the UA entrance exams right?"He looked slightly shocked and then glared at at the girl.
"How did you know that?"She shrunk under his gaze.
"O-oh well I've heard you say something about wanting to be a hero so-""Who the hell are you?"💜💜💜💜'Well shit, the first time someone from my class tried to be nice to me and I'm pretty sure I ended up insulting her.'
The lavender haired teen thought the moment the words left his mouth.'Who the hell are you?'
He didn't mean for it to sound so rude, the girl wasn't annoying him, it was just a genuine question. But Shinsou's usual snappy tone made it sound very rude.He watched as the girl stuttered frantically trying to explain how she wasn't a random weirdo. "Well I- I'm in your class for only a year! But I'm quiet! And I sit in the back so I understand why you probably don't recognize me- you know what I'll stop bothering you! I don't have time to wait for the bus anyways!!"She said quickly stumbling over her words while turning to run before stopping and yelling.
Then she started running faster than before.'Did she just wish me good luck?' Shinsou thought confused. She said she'd been in his class for a year, right? There was no way she didn't know about his "villain" quirk, so she was probably just being nice right?💖💖💖Aiko didn't stop running until the bus drove past her with Shinsou on it showing she probably should have stayed at the stop.
'No way! Too embarrassing!'She felt a bubbling feeling deep in her stomach that made her feel like she was about to throw up. She swallowed it down and popped in her earbuds. listening to music until her body claimed itself and she was at the store.She went to the hair section trying to find a wig cap, hairspray and Bobby pins.She'd recently ordered a long blonde wig for her new Present Mic cosplay that her followers voted for, but she didn't have all the stuff she needed to style it. She grabbed everything she needed and put them in her shopping basket. She accidentally collided into a boy about her age that had black hair and red eyes."S-sorry! I-"
She stammered.He smiled down at her and gave her a thumbs up.
"Don't worry about it! I wasn't watching where I was going either!"She blushed brightly in embarrassment and rushed away to another aisle. 'Damn it! I'm so clumsy! What if that was an old woman! And I knocked her down! AND THEN SHE DIED!!! Jesus Christ I could have killed someone!'She breathed in, then out and walked carefully to the candy aisle trying her best to stay at least 4ft away from every person for both of their safety. Where She quickly grabbed some strawberry pokeys, bought her stuff and got out of there as soon as she was able.She stuck a pokey in her mouth and walked to a nearby Coffee shop. When Akko walked in and got in line she read the menu even though she'd been there hundreds of times and always got the same thing.She turned when she heard the bell ding behind her and looked to see a group of girls from her school walk in lead by a girl with blue hair and purple eyes. The girls got in line behind her, laughing and giggling to each other, making conversation like it was nothing.Their very presence made Aiko nervous and she didn't notice it was her turn to order already."Hi, how may I help you?"She snapped out of her anxiety filled daze and looked up at the barista who was looking at the Trimbling teen patiently waiting for her to order."O-oh! Hi I would like a-a iced-""A- a- a-"
Aiko heard the blue haired girl snickering behind her as her friend mocked Aiko's stuttering. Aiko's blushing face turned back to the barista."You want your usual honey?"
The older barista asked before Aiko could even open up her mouth again. The barista had white hair with red tips and she's been working there for a while. Aiko remembered her of course but she'd never thought she would remember her.Aiko nodded and handed the server her card. She charged her customer quickly and handed Aiko her card back with a smile. Aiko swiftly stepped aside and waited for her drink.
As she listened to the groups of girls flawlessly order their very complicated drinks without stuttering once, Aiko couldn't help but beat herself up for her ability to seemingly mess up everything."Here you go!"
the barista said handing over Aiko's drink the brunette quickly grabbed it, gave her server a smile and rushed away swearing she could hear the group of girls still mocking her as she left.💖💖💖She dramatically flopped on her bed and quickly buried herself under her comforter.
'I'm never leaving my bed again.''So today turned out absolutely horrible and I'm going to die from embarrassment someday.''First I tried to actually talk to another human and found out that I'm a nobody that no other person even noticed, not to mention he seemed like he wanted me to piss off the entire time.'Then I ran slap into a complete stranger demonstrating the fact that I'm a danger to society and should be banished for life.''And then I couldn't even speak to a barista that already knew I was an anxiety filled social reject which means she's seen me make a fool out of myself on at least 2 occasions.''That's it! I'm never leaving this bed again!'💖💖💖'I need to pee.''Shit I'm only 2 minutes into a movie and I have to get up.'She drug herself out of bed and rushed down stairs. But after finishing her business she decided she needed food so she quickly headed down to her kitchen. But the only food she wanted to eat were unmade brownies, and Baking was incredibly boring to the young girl.She hummed out loud and an idea struck her. She ran upstairs and grabbed her phone, mask and pink cropped hoodie. She put her hoodie on, hid her long hair inside the hood then put on her black A.Z mask. If she was going to have to suffer through baking she was going to make her Instagram followers do the same. She started a live and talked about random things as she waited for more people to join. When there were more than 1,000 people watching A.Z started actually baking."Yeah so the reason I'm doing this is because I'm suuuuper hungry but the only thing I want is brownies so you guys are gonna have to suffer through watching me bake okay? Okay! Soo..." She read the directions out loud and preheated the oven then stopped to read a few comments.💖:What kinda brownies is it?💖:Wait, you're using a box mix?She laughed.
"Of course I am, I'm shit at baking."
She explained shrugging.
"So let's see if I can do this without setting my kitchen on fire."Everything was going fine, she casually answered questions and talked about possibly putting out new music soon. She'd been working on bits and pieces of new songs and Tadashi Industries was happy to help her record another album. Tadashi Industries was a clothing company that has been sponsoring A.Z for awhile, they produce anything from everyday clothing to hero costumes and support items, them sponsoring A.Z. videos is one of the few ways Aiko gets money to help around the house and improve the video and sound quality in her videos.After she finished baking brownies and said a quick goodbye she turned off the camera and put all but three brownies on a plate to bring up the stairs, she left the other three in a plastic container for her mom.She laid down, finished watching her movie and ate all of her brownies contently.💖💖💖
A.Z. mask:
He turned to look at her when her heard another voice and he didn't look annoyed,
yet."You're going to the UA entrance exams right?"He looked slightly shocked and then glared at at the girl.
"How did you know that?"She shrunk under his gaze.
"O-oh well I've heard you say something about wanting to be a hero so-""Who the hell are you?"💜💜💜💜'Well shit, the first time someone from my class tried to be nice to me and I'm pretty sure I ended up insulting her.'
The lavender haired teen thought the moment the words left his mouth.'Who the hell are you?'
He didn't mean for it to sound so rude, the girl wasn't annoying him, it was just a genuine question. But Shinsou's usual snappy tone made it sound very rude.He watched as the girl stuttered frantically trying to explain how she wasn't a random weirdo. "Well I- I'm in your class for only a year! But I'm quiet! And I sit in the back so I understand why you probably don't recognize me- you know what I'll stop bothering you! I don't have time to wait for the bus anyways!!"She said quickly stumbling over her words while turning to run before stopping and yelling.
Then she started running faster than before.'Did she just wish me good luck?' Shinsou thought confused. She said she'd been in his class for a year, right? There was no way she didn't know about his "villain" quirk, so she was probably just being nice right?💖💖💖Aiko didn't stop running until the bus drove past her with Shinsou on it showing she probably should have stayed at the stop.
'No way! Too embarrassing!'She felt a bubbling feeling deep in her stomach that made her feel like she was about to throw up. She swallowed it down and popped in her earbuds. listening to music until her body claimed itself and she was at the store.She went to the hair section trying to find a wig cap, hairspray and Bobby pins.She'd recently ordered a long blonde wig for her new Present Mic cosplay that her followers voted for, but she didn't have all the stuff she needed to style it. She grabbed everything she needed and put them in her shopping basket. She accidentally collided into a boy about her age that had black hair and red eyes."S-sorry! I-"
She stammered.He smiled down at her and gave her a thumbs up.
"Don't worry about it! I wasn't watching where I was going either!"She blushed brightly in embarrassment and rushed away to another aisle. 'Damn it! I'm so clumsy! What if that was an old woman! And I knocked her down! AND THEN SHE DIED!!! Jesus Christ I could have killed someone!'She breathed in, then out and walked carefully to the candy aisle trying her best to stay at least 4ft away from every person for both of their safety. Where She quickly grabbed some strawberry pokeys, bought her stuff and got out of there as soon as she was able.She stuck a pokey in her mouth and walked to a nearby Coffee shop. When Akko walked in and got in line she read the menu even though she'd been there hundreds of times and always got the same thing.She turned when she heard the bell ding behind her and looked to see a group of girls from her school walk in lead by a girl with blue hair and purple eyes. The girls got in line behind her, laughing and giggling to each other, making conversation like it was nothing.Their very presence made Aiko nervous and she didn't notice it was her turn to order already."Hi, how may I help you?"She snapped out of her anxiety filled daze and looked up at the barista who was looking at the Trimbling teen patiently waiting for her to order."O-oh! Hi I would like a-a iced-""A- a- a-"
Aiko heard the blue haired girl snickering behind her as her friend mocked Aiko's stuttering. Aiko's blushing face turned back to the barista."You want your usual honey?"
The older barista asked before Aiko could even open up her mouth again. The barista had white hair with red tips and she's been working there for a while. Aiko remembered her of course but she'd never thought she would remember her.Aiko nodded and handed the server her card. She charged her customer quickly and handed Aiko her card back with a smile. Aiko swiftly stepped aside and waited for her drink.
As she listened to the groups of girls flawlessly order their very complicated drinks without stuttering once, Aiko couldn't help but beat herself up for her ability to seemingly mess up everything."Here you go!"
the barista said handing over Aiko's drink the brunette quickly grabbed it, gave her server a smile and rushed away swearing she could hear the group of girls still mocking her as she left.💖💖💖She dramatically flopped on her bed and quickly buried herself under her comforter.
'I'm never leaving my bed again.''So today turned out absolutely horrible and I'm going to die from embarrassment someday.''First I tried to actually talk to another human and found out that I'm a nobody that no other person even noticed, not to mention he seemed like he wanted me to piss off the entire time.'Then I ran slap into a complete stranger demonstrating the fact that I'm a danger to society and should be banished for life.''And then I couldn't even speak to a barista that already knew I was an anxiety filled social reject which means she's seen me make a fool out of myself on at least 2 occasions.''That's it! I'm never leaving this bed again!'💖💖💖'I need to pee.''Shit I'm only 2 minutes into a movie and I have to get up.'She drug herself out of bed and rushed down stairs. But after finishing her business she decided she needed food so she quickly headed down to her kitchen. But the only food she wanted to eat were unmade brownies, and Baking was incredibly boring to the young girl.She hummed out loud and an idea struck her. She ran upstairs and grabbed her phone, mask and pink cropped hoodie. She put her hoodie on, hid her long hair inside the hood then put on her black A.Z mask. If she was going to have to suffer through baking she was going to make her Instagram followers do the same. She started a live and talked about random things as she waited for more people to join. When there were more than 1,000 people watching A.Z started actually baking."Yeah so the reason I'm doing this is because I'm suuuuper hungry but the only thing I want is brownies so you guys are gonna have to suffer through watching me bake okay? Okay! Soo..." She read the directions out loud and preheated the oven then stopped to read a few comments.💖:What kinda brownies is it?💖:Wait, you're using a box mix?She laughed.
"Of course I am, I'm shit at baking."
She explained shrugging.
"So let's see if I can do this without setting my kitchen on fire."Everything was going fine, she casually answered questions and talked about possibly putting out new music soon. She'd been working on bits and pieces of new songs and Tadashi Industries was happy to help her record another album. Tadashi Industries was a clothing company that has been sponsoring A.Z for awhile, they produce anything from everyday clothing to hero costumes and support items, them sponsoring A.Z. videos is one of the few ways Aiko gets money to help around the house and improve the video and sound quality in her videos.After she finished baking brownies and said a quick goodbye she turned off the camera and put all but three brownies on a plate to bring up the stairs, she left the other three in a plastic container for her mom.She laid down, finished watching her movie and ate all of her brownies contently.💖💖💖
A.Z. mask:
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