
♡Another Chance ♡ #Wattys 2019 [ Completed]

CHAPTER 7 : Will You Be My Friend?


dedicated to geetarshi( welcome new Sherlock Holmes)

Ananya_malik,Swasaniarshi, Bhavs0005, sreemukhee ( for your extreme support)

and to all my readers and friends.

CHAPTER 7: Will You Be My Friend ?

" Kehdo ki tum mere dil mein rahoge,

kehdo ki tum mujhse dosti karoge,


dekhoongi, sochoongi, kal parso kuch kahoongi.."

Present Day ......


Sunday Morning, 10 a.m.

Arnav's Room...

Opening the door slightly, she peeked in the room. As usual the room was empty. Tiptoeing, she entered and went towards her destination. Poolside... she knows she will find him there, sitting in a corner, deep in his thoughts or looking at the picture of " that beautiful angel".. She smiles... she loves that angel already...everyone was discussing that the angel will come in their life soon...It will be so nice, then her Mamu will able to see the angel face to face, no more weeping seeing the picture. She smiled cutely. And with slow measured step, she went just behind to her thoughtful Mamu, who still now did not realize her presence. With her soft, small hands she slowly closed the eyes of her Mamu who was resting in an armchair beside the pool. The soft touch of her hands brought back a small smile in the ever sad face of the lonely man, who was once jovial, prankster, now living like a dead soul.

" Sneha, dear what's the matter?" Pulling his beautiful nice towards him Arnav Singh Raizada asked ever so softly, " You need something , my darling?" Bobbling her head slightly, Sneha placed herself in her Mamu's lap comfortably. Arnav looks at her with a rare smile in his face. She is the only person in this house, with whom he can make an eye contact, whose eyes never asked him hidden questions or shows disappointment or disgust. For the last six years, she is the only solace of his bruised, aching heart.. but she always gives the reminder of HER. Sneha's beautiful, innocent eyes, warm smiles remind him about her.

About her innocence and his monstrosity,

About her care and his ignorance.

About her selfless love and his destructive betrayal.

He was brought back from his painful thought when Sneha wipes the tone tear that escape from his eyes. " Are you again thinking about that angel?" Sneha asked cutely," Nodding his head Arnav replied, " your angel is my rain girl, I first saw her dancing in rain with some beautiful princess like you." " And then you become friend the way mumma and papa become best friend for whole life?" Arnav could not help but chuckle listening Sneha's innocent question. "No, there is a long story, I will tell you some other time. Now tell me, why my cutie pie is here on a Sunday morning leaving her papa dearest?" " Papa is reading something important, mumma told me not to disturb him...ohhh... I forgot, mumma told me to ask you, will you accompany me and mumma to the shopping mall? Mumma wants to do lots of shopping. Some guests are coming here, will you go with us Mamu?"

Arnav Singh Raizada was stunned will be an underestimate, His Di asked him to accompany them to Shopping? She wanted to talk to him? Wanted to share some time and space with him, with her Chotey after many years? He did not wanted to lose the opportunity, so, he asked immediately, " yes, I will dear. Let me know the time." " mumma told me, as soon as possible. If you are free then we can go now. After shopping I also want to eat my pizza and I want ice cream." Arnav ruffled Sneha's hair fondly and kissed her hair ever so softly, "tell your mumma, to be get ready, we will start at 11 a.m." Nodding her head Sneha sprinted and rushed towards their room to get ready for upcoming outing.

After 2 hours...

XYZ Mall....

It' s been long since three of them are at this Shopping mall and Arnav don't even know what's his Di was buying.. he is standing outside the family shop, while His Di and Sneha are busy in trying almost each and every possible home décor item available there. It's seems like she is arranging a new house to welcome someone special. From Sneha, he had heard some guests will be there, but guest in RM in nothing new. So, Why this grand preparations, what's so special? He shook's his head a little, why he would bother anyway, he himself became a guest among his family, in his house and no one, but only he is responsible for all the mess his life has become.

Arnav was brought back from his thought sensing something unusual. Someone was pulling his trouser, bending down he found a cute , little boy was smiling sheepishly looking at him. Arnav could not help but smiles looking at the boy, something is there.. something so familiar, Arnav could not put his finger but instantly feels the pull towards the boy.

Bending down towards his level Arnav asked, " Hei little prince, what are you doing here? Alone? Where are your parents, leaving you alone here?"

" I hiddy (Hiding), Maa no I cream ( mother did not give Ice cream)" The cute boy replied in his baby language and smiled mischievously. Arnav's heart filled with warmth, he is so, so familiar... where had he seen him ? And why the boy is so comfortable with a stranger like him? He did not had much time to ponder over the fact as he heard a worried voice near him, "Adu....Adu...Aduuuu...where are you my baby?"

Hearing the voice the boy immediately hides behind Arnav and Arnav was sure, it's his mother. So, without wasting a second he picks up the boy in his arms, and went towards the voice.....

Taking long stride Arnav took a turn and find a woman was searching for the boy frantically. Arnav was few feet's away from her, her back was facing him. Arnav cleared his throat and asked, "Excuse me mam, are you searching for him?"

The lady turned towards Arnav and Arnav stood still... shocked... numb... dumbfounded....

Here stands before him is Kuhu Verma...oopse... now... Kuhu Aman Mathur...

Realization dawn upon him.... That means... that means...this cute boy is Aman and Kuhu's son?

Arnav heard the news of Aman's being a father but did not have the guts to hug him or congratulate him... in fact he had missed many things in his life, Aman and Kuhu's marriage being the first. Though Aman kept a distance with RM and Arnav's family members, but in every special occasions of Aman's life, the family were invited by Kuhu or her family..they all were invited except Arnav.. and Arnav knows why, Because not only Aman, Arnav is Kuhu's culprit too....he broke the trust which the beautiful couple once had on Him.

Tears prick in his eyes looking intently towards the boy.. That's why, he felt him so familiar..He is the replica of his Amy. Arnav feels so happy that his Amy is the proud father of this beautiful creature in his arms. Leaving a soft, tender kiss on his forehead, Arnav handed over him to Kuhu... But before going back to his mother, the replica of his Amy, put a sound kiss on Arnav's cheek and wave happily... "By Alll..lleee ( By Arnee ).

And Arnav Singh Raizada froze in his place. Tears which he was holding for long, finally rolled down.. so, he knows him? That's why the little munchkin was so comfortable with him....The thread which he himself, broke long ago, still is there.. His Amy is still holding it .., Arnee is still there somewhere in Amy's broken heart.... and realizing the fact that, he is still wanted by someone...years after, Arnav Singh Raizada feels alive..once again... His heart bloomed with a new hope....

Arnav did not wait there anymore and left the place hurriedly. And thus the great ASR missed how intently, Kuhu was watching him...

Arnav joined with Anjali and Sneha who were finally finished their shopping. The way back to RM was as silent as the journey begins only Sneha was blabbering. Both the siblings were in their own thought. Finally breaking the ice, Anjali spoke, " Thank you for coming with us Arnav." Arnav smiled in acknowledgement, but could not help but sigh. How he missed his Di and how he crave to being her Chotey once again. Though in compare to other family members , Anjali is still tender towards him, not directly, but he can feels it. He came back in reality after hearing Anjali's voice again. " How are you Chotey?" "Alive..still",He chuckled. " Do you still hope to find Khushi again?" Anjali continues her query. " Yes, because I know, she is alive. That's why I am still breathing somehow. And I know one day, surely I will meet her , otherwise my soul will never leave this world." Anjali hold her tears sensing the longing and pain in his chotey's voice. Still she continue and uttered her next question, " Is it your guilt speaking or ...."

" No, Di... I love her, always. I know , no one will believe me. Why should they? But if I am given a choice between living a life of 1000 years without Khushi in my life and living a life of a single day with Khushi, I will choose the later. She is in every breath of mine. No, I am not saying this because I wronged her or humiliated her or crashed her or probably betrayed her, and now trying to getting sympathy of everyone using Khushi...No, No Di...not at all, because my love for Khushi is an integral part of my life, and loving Khushi is just like taking breath for me. I love her di, always was in love with her and will be till my last breath.. Just that, I never realized my true feelings for her..and destroyed everything single handedly. Now I will wait, wait for her to get her apology, may be someday I will get it, may be someday I again get a chance to Live Di. I know I don't deserve a second chance but a man can Hope right? I need something to hold on.. and this hope is everything for me now, otherwise..."

Arnav was cut off by Anjali, " I Hope life will give you another chance, if that occurs, please grab it and never ever let it go, never repeat the same mistake again....Chotey".

Arnav just nodded his head, he was too emotional to reply. The rest of the journey, was full of silence....


While going back to home, Kuhu was in deep thought. She looked at the sleeping form of her son, in her lap.. for a second, she felt that her world crushed down , when she did not found Adu beside her in the mall. But thank God, Adu was in safe hand, she could not help but ponder, Amy's son was saved by His Arnee or Amy's son found out a path towards his Arnee, to amend the broken thread. She don't know anything but thinks that is it just a co incident or a sign of destiny? Only time can answer, She sigh..

After so many years, Kuhu sees ASR, face to face, he has changed, indeed. He became thin, looks somehow untidy and lost, but the longing and intense pain in his eyes, touches somewhere deep inside her heart. She is very much disappointed and disgusted By Arnav's act years ago, not only what he did to Khushi but what he did to Aman is still fresh in her mind. She still remembers Aman's devastated state and would never forgive Arnav for this.. But today Kuhu, for the first time, felt really pity for Arnav. He had everything yet he is the most unlucky and lonely man at present and no one, but he himself is responsible for that. Sighing deep, Kuhu looked outside at the window and remembers the day when it all started, six years before, the day of her 20th birthday.


Six years and few months before...

Boy's hostel, Harvard University Campus...


Aman Mathur was busy getting ready as he was suppose to go out to celebrate Kuhu's birthday . With his minimum saving he had from his job, he manages to buy a small gift for his Kuhu. Though he is not happy with it but it gives him some satisfaction that, it's from his hard earned money, whatever small he is doing, he is offering it from core of his heart and he knows, Kuhu loves him for this genuine gesture of him..

Remembering about Kuhu, sudden the thought of his monkey friend erupt in his mind... his Arnee, finally fall in love, that idiot.... he shooks his head. He had agreed for helping Arnav, not because he was scared of his threat but he wanted a way to save his Arnee from the clutches of that gang, specially Veer Malhotra and not to forget Sheetal...uff.. she is another nightmare.. After observing his Arnav's behaviors from last 2 and half months, he is sure Arnav had strong feelings for Khushi, though it's another thing that the stupid did not realize it, but may be after a proper conversation, Khushi would understand a little bit or agree at least for friendship. But he was sure , he will not let Arnav take his usual nasty steps towards Khushi and he knows his Arnee promise him , that he will behave..

Kuhu was not at all convinced with the idea of Arnav tagging with them, but after lots of pleading and pestering finally she agreed but Aman was badly threatened by Kuhu, that if by any chance Khushi got hurt because of Aman's asshole of a friend, she will break up with Aman , then and there...NOW THAT'S CALL A THREAT... I MEAN REAL THREAT...

Still Aman Mathur took the step, as he had immense faith on his Arnee...

His chain of thoughts were broken by the constant banging on the door, its need no rocket science to guess who is at his door. Looking at the clock, Aman could not help but chuckle, and open the door..

There stand Arnav Singh Raizada in all his glory.

Arnav: " ohh.. God Amy, what were you doing? Do you want to be late at your girlfriend's birthday ? Come on let's go.."

Aman: " Some one seems very eager. It's only 6 p.m. We will meet with the girls at 7 p.m. and the distance of the restaurant from here is hardly 15 minutes.. so, care to explain what is so hurry?"

Arnav: "You don't know anything. Girl's will only get impressed if the boys wait for them not otherwise, no more argument, I don't want to get late in my first day. My Rain Girl is already angry on me, I don't want to spoil it more.By the way How I am looking Amy?"

Aman : " Like a perfect "Rakshas" !!!!!

Frowning, Arnav looked at smirking Aman, but ignoring the taunt he just drag him out and rushed towards the car.

Few meters away...

Ladies hostel, Harvard University Campus...


Khushi was biting her nail nervously. Earlier when Kuhu informed her that The lofer friend of Aman Bhai will accompany them, she thought it's okay, because she wanted to talk with the Casanova Rakshas once and for all. But now, at the time is about to come , Khushi is becoming more nervous.. It's the first time in last 2 months, She has to tolerate that irritating stalker and can not even slap him, after all it's Kuhu's birthday, she can not afford to take a chance to spoil it. So, she decided, she will not look at the handsome face of her stalker or not ponder over his sexy smirk or not at all look at the honey brown eyes of the devil.. hummm... she will only focus on Kuhu and Aman Bhai and avoid him like a plague. And before returning back, she will tell the dafar to not stalk her anymore otherwise she will...she will lodge a police complain....hummm... that's a good idea.. boosting herself up, Khushi finally gather herself , giving the final touch to her attire, she sprinted towards the exit door and run towards the car, where Kuhu was already sitting, may be impatiently.

Few meters away...

XYZ Restaurant...


When Kuhu and Khushi entered in the restaurant, both the boys was already sitting over their prior booked private area, It was small, arrangement was simple but was made with so much love from Aman's side, Kuhu was amazed. Aman immediately took her into a warm hug , kissed her forehead ever so softly, mumbling a happy birthday.. After taking their respective seats Aman gifted Kuhu the small yet beautiful pendent which had both their initials. Kuhu's eyes brims with happy tears, she could not hold back herself but put a soft kiss on Aman's cheek.. Both of them were so much in themselves that, they almost forgot that they have two audiences. Clearing his throat finally, ASR breaks the magical web of Aman and Kuhu.

Arnav: " Happy birthday Kuhu or should I say, Kuhu bhabi?" Arnav smirked sheepishly. Though irritated but hearing the word bhabi bring a slight blush on Kuhu's fair cheek. But immediately she composed herself, she is on a mission too and it's high time she start with it.

Kuhu Verma was Khushi Gupta's one year senior in college and roommate. But from the first day itself, the jovial and selfless nature of Kushi, attract Kuhu and that ended in a life long friendship, now Khushi is like the younger sister which Kuhu never had, the best friend and soul sister. From the last few months the actions of certain Raizada, not only disturbed Khushi's mental peace but there was a permanent frown in Kuhu's forehead too. After all Arnav is the (in)famous play boy of their college and his glorious activities were talk of the campus everyday. So, when Kuhu first comes to know about Arnav stalking Khushi, she become so furious that she wanted to drag Khushi to police station to lodge a complaint. On that very time, she was stopped by Aman.

Aman requested Kuhu not to take any steps in hurry and said, Arnav will never do anything against Khushi's will, and also said the most unreasonable thing, that Raizada has fallen for Khushi . Though Kuhu was not sure about Arnav's activity at all but she has immense trust on Aman. So, pondering over Aman's thought she decided to observe Arnav's actions towards Khushi. And after this 2 months, Kuhu too was convinced that this is something different, it's not like Arnav's usual fling or one night stand. Though Kuhu is not taking it like Aman said, Raizada had fallen for Khushi, but yes, the feeling is different and too strong, in this 2 months, it's true, Arnav stalked Khushi but did not misbehave with her. Rather, Kuhu felt Arnav was like pleading Khushi to accept to going out with him or perhaps accept him in her life.

There were opportunity for Arnav to cross his line, because many a times he cornered Khushi in lonely place, but all he did was pleading her to go out with him and in return either got a slap or punch or some colorful words from Khushi. Kuhu herself laugh her heart out after listening some of the interaction between ARSHI. She is somewhere convinced that Raizada is not so harmful, at least not for Khushi, Period.

So, Today early morning when Aman said, that Arnav is willing to join them, initially she was angry and tried to ignore it. But pondering over much Kuhu finally thought enough is enough. A face to face confrontation is much needed, what the Raizada actually wants from Khushi. Because Knowing Khushi, Kuhu somewhere felt, Khushi is highly affected by all this drama of certain Raizada, and that's alarmed Kuhu. Though Khushi is very jovial for outer world, but deep down she is carrying some scars which is still afresh, or may be never will heal. Kuhu knew how much strong Khushi pretend to be, but deep down she is a fragile, shattered soul. And Kuhu does not want to shake Khushi'd world once again, heck she will never allow it ....Thus Kuhu agreed upon Aman request to allow certain Raizada to join them today.

"Cut the crap Raizada, you are not here to wish my birthday, come straight to the point. Why Are You Stalking Khushi?" Kuhu somewhere attacks Arnav , that too directly.

And it was a real blow for Aman, Khushi and Arnav.. That was too direct. Aman's eyebrows shot up to the sky, khushi had a perfect " o" on her face and Arnav coughed. But Arnav was the first one to compose.

"Well, I cleared it from beginning, I want to date Khushi?" Arnav too was straight in his point.

"Why a girl like Khushi will date a Casanova like you?" came straight reply from Kuhu.

"Well, because Arnav Singh Raizada is too charming too resist and it's a Universal truth." Arnav sound a little bit arrogant this time.

Kuhu was shocked, this Raizada.. Really he needs a lesson.

All this while Khushi was too shocked to react where as Aman was pondering the fact that, will it be the last day of his relationship with Kuhu? Will Kuhu directly break up with him after this oh -not -so- pleasant conversation with his Arnee? Talking about the devil, Aman expected some heated conversation but never thought the evening will change into a verbal WWF ground.

His Kuhu vs His Arnee. And Poor Aman Mathur don't know which side he would take to keep everything alright.

His thought was broken by a sharp loud voice which he recognized immediately, "This is not a fairy tale Raizada, where 'Sundari' will fall for a 'Saitan'. This is reality, this is Khushi's life. Tell me one valid reason why Khushi will agree with your proposal. By the way, did your charm is not working on your so called fan girls anymore that you are stalking Khushi?" Kuhu's narrowed gaze sliced Arnav.

" Look you are not Khushi's mother to decide , whether your choti si beti, will go for a date or not and with whom she will go" Arnav too was no less, " ek jhansi ki raani kya kaam thi, jo dusri Matangini Hazra bhi aa agi," Arnav murmured the last line but Kuhu did not miss the taunt.

" Loook Raizada......." Kuhu just started but Khushi took it from there, " E-N-O-U-G-H...PLEASE STOP YOU BOTH. We are here to celebrate your birthday Kuhu, darling don't waste your energy by arguing with this Mental Singh Raizada.."

" WHAT... THE..."

" Well finally Raizada come back to his own self." Khushi stuck out her tongue.

" What the fu...." Before Arnav do anymore blunter, Aman finally keep his palm on Arnav's mouth and pleaded, " For God sake , today we are here for a little celebration, please yaar..."

Before Arnav retort back, the waiter comes with their starter and rest followed by a silent dinner. Throughout the Dinner both Arnav and Kuhu was murdering each other through their eyes. And Aman and Khushi was trying hard to keep a track on their respective best friends.

Finally dinner came to an end. Immediately after that Khushi intervene, " Kuhu dear I need to go. You please spend some alone time with Aman bhai, take a chill pill."

" No, I will not allow you to go alone. Stay with us " Kuhu protested though she actually needed some time with Aman after the not so happening arguments in evening.

" Don't worry, I will accompany Khushi" Arnav jumps in between the conversation of the two bestie.

" hawwwww..." Khushi make a bad face, " thanks but no thanks Mr Casanova Singh Raizada, I am better without you." Came Khushi's reply instant.

" That's needed to be proved. How do you know, you will not feel better with my company?" Arnav reported back.

Aman and Kuhu were about to interfere, but Suddenly Khushi nodded her head in agreement. " Ok, let's go. We seriously need to talk." And without giving anyone any chance to talk, she went towards exit.

Arnav was surprised , hence he followed Khushi leaving behind a shocked Aman and bewilder Kuhu.

Outside the Restaurant.....

Cool breeze was soothing the surrounding, for last 10 minutes, Khushi along with Arnav was walking slowly towards their way back. They both were silent probably were searching for appropriate words.. This is for the first time in the last 2 and half months that both of them are behaving a little bit cordial towards each other.. Where Arnav is not using his so called flirty ways and in return he is not awarded by some slaps from Khushi..

Finally breaking the silence Khushi initiate the conversation, "Where you left your famous SUV Mr. Stalker Singh Raizada? Hummm... let me think, may be at the house of your last night fling, hai na Mr. what the?" His another car was following them, Ignoring Khushi's taunt, Arnav replied slowly, " That car is with Aman today. You know, Khushi, when I came to know about Kuhu, I was really worried as well as a little bit jealous. I knew then, My Amy's attention will be divided but was worried more, if he broke his heart in this process. I will tell you a secret, even Aman don't know this, I... I ...did a background check on Kuhu.."

" What......??" Arnav was cut by Khushi's shocked shout. "Hey don't get hyper, it's just a safety measure, I know My Amy is a gem, the girl who will get my Amy, she will be the luckiest girl... But I wanted Aman's safety, you know, He had suffer a lot from his childhood, especially in the department of love, he lost his mother when he was only 4 years and now his father also diagnosed as Cancer. But I am happy, in fact I am relieved that Kuhu is in Amy's life now. No one can be a better partner than Kuhu for Amy." Arnav paused and looked at Khushi. And for the first time he saw something different in her eyes.

"And now, who is behaving like a father?" Khushi tried to lighten the situation sensing the intense gaze of certain Raizada on her. Internally she was amazed. Whatever life he leads, But Arnav Singh Raizada is a true friend and his care for Aman is too real, that reflects in his face. Khushi smiled broadly to Arnav and said, " I want to talk to you but before that let's have an ice cream." Saying so, she turns towards the nearest Ice cream parlor.

In The Ice Cream Parlor....

Both ARSHI enters in the parlor in smiling face, Khushi demanded a twin one cup where as Arnav did not has a sweet tooth, so he refrained himself. But before Arnav went to put the order, someone called from behind, " hei ASR buddy, what a surprise..." and here comes Raj Chopra, one of Arnav's so called gang member. " So, finally your hard work paid off ASR. Your rain girl is with you," he smirked slightly and then came towards Khushi, " You took a right decision Ms. Gupta, ASR is a really really richi richi boy. Your upcoming days will be glorious, by the way, what is the plan for tonight ? Where did you plan to knock her out ASR?" he gave an ugly smirk.

" SHUT UP.... JUST SHUT UP..." Arnav roared and gave a punch to Raj making a most desired distant between Khushi and Raj..Raj was shocked and Khushi was dumbfounded. Both of them facing a literally Hulk Arnav, his eyes were spitting fire, nose were flared, he was literally shaking in rage. Before he did something more, Khushi slightly put her hand on Arnav's closed knuckled and Arnav stilled in the place.

" Before I lose my temper completely, just leave from here and don't utter anything about Khushi. I will not remind you next time but will break your head, if you misbehave with her again." And without any prior intimation , Arnav Singh Raizada drag Khushi Kumari Gupta out from the parlor.

Khushi was shocked, before she can comprehend anything, she was standing outside the parlor. She was watching Arnav with her big , doe eyes in a awe, did the great Akdoo Singh Raizada just had a fight with his friend for Khushi? Is it real or a dream? Whatever it is, but Khushi was in for surprises today. So, there are some other sides of the ASR too. First, his concern for Aman and now his defensive act for HER... she is really impressed.

Khushi looked at Arnav, he was still seems angry. Khushi tried to divert his attention, " How rude of you Raizada, you did not bring my Ice cream , hence you drag me like a rag to explain..?"

" Rag doll? Laagi tumhe? Sorry if I hurt you, but how that Raj uttered those words Khushi, I .. I just can not believe... I am so so sorry...believe me, I never wanted the evening turn out to be like this" Arnav voice seems heavy with emotions.

"What's wrong did Raj said? This is the reputation you had Arnav and so your flings. Just think about it, you went to a pub full of drunkard, and you just took a glass of juice, still people will judge you and treat you like a drunkard only... like the same way, it's not about me, but it's you Arnav, about you. You and your flings, your one night stand or whatever adventure you did and still probably doing with your girls... if in my place, any other girl would had been today with you, Raj would have been said the same.. You , yourself had demeaned the girls of your life. You never respected them, how do you expect the others will show respect towards your girl?"

Arnav stood silently pondering over Khushi's thought. She is right, absolutely right. Raj and his other friends probably behaved in the same way before too, heck he cannot remember now, but he never felt something like this. A sudden feelings of extreme possessiveness engulf him. Arnav was confused about his own feelings now.

" Listen Arnav, it's high time you should see the truth, you and me, can never happen. We are from two different world. I can never be agree with your way of living and terms, and you too is very much misfit in my world. I value relationship; You don't even know the meaning of it when it comes about a girl. I am for life time commitment where as you believed in one night stand. There are many many more, in short, we are too different to even came stand in face to face, forget about dating or something else. I am really sorry Arnav, but I request you , please don't drag it anymore. I am tired. I have already too much in my life to bear, please you don't add more in it. This rumors, have no effects on you but I care ... I know such rumors can make one's life upside down, so, my earnest request Arnav... Please Stop... it's a NO from my side."

Khushi uttered all this words without looking at Arnav's face directly, if she would, she would get a surprise for sure, seeing Arnav Singh Raizada's moist eyes. When Khushi turns towards Arnav , he somehow had composed himself, "well, It's ok. I promise you, I will not stalk you from onwards. I have that decency Khushi, I know the meaning of a NO. I Respect Your Decision And Henceforth No ASR Will Bother You, Sorry For All The Trouble You Had To Go Through Because Of Me Since Last Two Months... I Am Extremely Sorry. But I have a request, please allow me to buy the ice cream you wanted, please don't deny it . and please accept my apology" Arnav's words came out as a plead, a painful plead, that Khushi was somewhere felt bad for him.

" I may forgive you if you buy me a double Ice cream Raizada, will you?" Khushi smiled and Arnav nodded. Telling Khushi to wait here, Arnav hurriedly went towards the parlor to collect Khushi's demand for the first time and probably for the last time too. He sighed.

While collecting the two ice creams, when ASR was coming back, he froze seeing the scene revealing in front of his eyes. There stands Daksh Mehra, and Khushi was laughing her heart out hearing some silly jokes uttered by that monkey. "Oh, so this is the reason, Khushi denied me, she is probably dating that Daksh already and I become the third wheel or the throne on their path." Arnav thought internally and for a second he thought to break his promise which he given to Khushi, just few moments back. But controlling himself he took long stride and reached towards them.

Upon seeing Arnav, Daksh waved a bye to Khushi and left immediately from there. Arnav wanted to ask so many things to Khushi but he chooses to be silent. What's will change now? Nothing..... Khushi can never be his, how much he tries but probably Khushi is already taken... sighing deeply Arnav grabbed Khushi's wrist and dragged her towards his car.

Khushi's Pov......

It felt good when ASR protected me from the sly comments of Raj Chopra, his another friend. No matter how much I dislike ASR, but I feel safe with him.

Outside the ice cream parlor I met Daksh ,After meeting him I went to say hi to him, as he was waving his hands, we were talking about some random staff but just then ASR arrived and tightly grabbed my wrist and began to drag me. Before I could protest or register anything , we were already out of the place and heading towards his car.

" ASR!" I protested but he conveniently ignored all my objections, he slammed open the door of his car, threw me in and slammed the door shut. Ouch...

What. The. Hell.

I looked down at my wrists that had gone bright red all thanks to his tight grip on me. He settled himself on the driver's seat and started the car. By the way, where did that stupid driver of him vanished so suddenly?

"What the hell ASR ? What was that?" I yelled and he ignored me.

" I am talking to you ASR, you Rakshas!!!" I shouted again, and he ignored me, Again.

Did he ever get tired of irritating me?

I think not.

I huffed heavily trying to calm myself down, fighting the urge to rip his head off.

I don't like being ignored, and unanswered.

And I certainly don't like being dragged out of a ice cream parlor like that.

"stop the car" my tone was calm but I was raging inside.

" I said stop the car" if he did not listen I swear I will pull his hair out. He can not drag me around with him like this. I am not his puppy.

"Shut up" he roared. Like a lion does when he eyes his prey.

I jumped in my seat at his sudden , uninvited scream. My ear drums vibrated vigorously at the loud noise he just created.

I had seen him angry and annoyed before, but this was something else. Something must have happened back in the ice cream Parlor, something that led to his sudden outburst. I heard that, When ASR is just angry, his mouth and his words are bitter but right now it's his eyes. His eyes show anger, rage, anxiety but most importantly they show unknown misery and pain.

He is in pain.

But do I know him that well to make this conclusion?

Am I just over thinking now? May be he is just angry on someone like he use to be every time I rejected him . What could possibly hurt an emotional less Rakshas like him? Is he hurt and angry because of my " NO?"

My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden pull of our car, ASR was driving like a maniac. Our car would have started flying if he had not stopped the car thanks to his speed. I am still surprised we have not met with an accident yet. ASR halted the car with a jerk near a cliff and got off, he banged the door shut and started walking towards the cliff.

Is He Going To Commit Suicide?

What If The Police Arrest Me?

I am the only one at the scene of crime. What if they make me spend the rest of my life in jail ? and chakki pissing and pissing and pissing...

How will I hire a lawyer? What will I tell my lawyer when he will ask for evidence in my defense?

There no evidence that I did not kill him if he does commit suicide.

How will I prove my innocence?

Should I save him?

I also got out of the car and ran after him. My tiny legs barely matched the huge ones he had but I tried anyway. I was still running after him trying to stop him when he suddenly stopped himself, making me even more confused. I looked at him carefully to take note of all his actions to come to a valid conclusion about what the heck is wrong with him.

Is he bipolar?

He is fine on a minute and an angry hulk the next minute.

He placed his hands on his waist, closed his eyes and helplessly looked up at the sky. In that moment I knew he was hurt. It was not just anger, it was pain. I have no idea why I was able to see through him so well, I had barely known him. His head slowly hung down and his eyes remained close. I walked over to him, I don't know why but I felt the need to console him. I placed my hands on his very broad shoulder and he looked back with a jerk. Maybe he forgot he bought me with him and I was here too. He sighed deeply, his sigh was so painful it made me sad too.

What was wrong with him?

He completely turned around facing me and , he studied my face for a minute and stepped closer. His arms moved to wrap themselves around me but before he could actually hug me, he stopped. He backed away almost immediately and looked away again.


It was all that I could hear around me.

Is he in so much pain just because of me? Just because I denied his advances?

But I can not agree with his offer no matter what, but why I am feeling so much restless?

" May be because you don't want to see him in pain." My subconscious whispered to me. "Don't date him but you can be his friend right?" she again poke me.

Ufff this subconscious of mine, she is a "she devil", I tell you.

" No... No... any kind of relationship with him is harmful for me, people will say different thing, no one believe on our friendship." I replied to my sub conscious, on which she chuckle, " so what? Though you gave the excuse of those rumors, but who knows you better than me? Did you really care about those rumors after whatever phase you have came across in your life? Think wisely, ASR may be a playboy but all along he was transparent towards you. His approaches were always clear. What if he proposed a friendship first, and then turns it with something else? But he did not. Whatever reputation is ASR having but, no one can tell that he is a back stabber, is not it? Besides, he is a friend of Aman Bhai and you saw how much a darling he is as a friend, is not he?" uff, my subconscious is not helping me at all.

Glaring to her internally I was about to say something to Arnav, when she again continue, " Just think about it Khushi, what if ASR commit suicide or take some drastic step after your NO? Look at his sorry state, Don't you think he is deeply hurt? Better you approach for friendship, but clear it to him now, that it is and will be only friendship, nothing more. If he agrees then well, if not, then too it's ok. You will not feel any regret over your " No", at least you tried to lessen his pain, hai na...think Khushi Think..." I Am In Deep Thought After The Intelligent Suggestion Of My Subconscious, Actually she is right. What harm there will be if we become friends, yes... there will be rumors.. But it will not affect me, if I don't give a heed on them. Besides, If ASR become my friend, definitely he will take care about those baseless humors, right? The way he dealt with his friend Raj some times before, right?

My internal battle came to a halt when I finally looked at Arnav. His handsome face was reflecting only pain and somewhere a longing. Suddenly, I felt the urge to take away his pain and not pondering over much, I took my decision ....

" Well, Arnav I denied to date you and my decision will never change on this matter, but I am ready to be your friend, of course if you want." I finally uttered those words unsure about it's outcome. But all my confusion were gone in thin air, looking at Arnav's face. For the first time in last few months, there is a genuine smile on his face instead of the always infamous smirk of him.. and I knew on that very moment, My decision is right....and before understanding what is happening , Arnav took me in a bear hug....and I froze...

Arnav's Pov...

It's a NO...

Yes, she finally clearly mentioned it. Well, I am not shocked that much, because deep down in my heart I knew, she will never agree with my proposal and with time progressed I became sure of it.

But now I think, why I pestered Aman for this meet? If not today's day had come, she would have not said the No directly. I would happily stalk her.. Now I really wonder what I get in this last few months while repeatatedly getting rejected or being slapped or hearing colorful words in return of my stalking?

A peace.. yes, I got peace whenever she was around, even the mere thought of her brought a smile on my face.

You may think, I have totally lost my mind, but no ... It's true .. her rejection never provoked my ego, rather I loved her cute antic..and surprisingly in those last months, my so called life style took a back seat. Did I regret it? Heck... no... never...I will never regret this two months which I spent for my Rain girl... I will always treasure it in my heart.

Now the time has come, Finally I have to let her go...

I wonder, why I feeling so restless and heartbroken? Why I am feeling so low? Why the sudden pain evoking in my heart? Heck, Khushi was not my girlfriend even, there was no relationship between us, nothing at all... still I am feeling so if.. as if, something very precious is going away from me, but I have to accept the reality, I have to let her go, we are never mean to be together.

Arnav and Khushi....Can Never Happen.

The story of beauty and beast are only for fairy tale, its not real...

I can sensed the painful , low sob of my subconscious. After so long, we two are agreed upon one fact that, yes, we both are going to miss certain Khushi Kumari Gupta. But she will always resides in my heart as my rain girl.. " in our heart" my subconscious protested. Chuckling, finally I gather myself. The time has come..

I turn to Khushi to say my final good bye, but before I utter something, the most unexpected thing happened.....

" Well, Arnav I denied to date you and my decision will never change on this matter, but I am ready to be your friend, of course if you want." Khushi declared looking straight into my eyes.'

Am I dreaming? Or is it true? I pinched myself, ouchhh... it's hurt... that means... that means... Khushi truly wants to be my friend?

OH My God...I am so subconscious is already grinning ear to ear and doing a bhangra.

What if I am not able to date her, but I can take her for ice cream, what if I can not spend my nights with her, but we can together walk in the beach.. we can be best friend for life... we can make our own memories and above all I can be connected with Khushi for rest of my life.....

I felt ecstatic...a sincere smile appeared in my face and before I can realize what I am doing, I just took Khushi in a bear hug....she can slap me for that, but I care least... I can take any blow from her afterwards in return of this precious moment of my life....

Destiny sigh a little, finally the star crossed lover started their journey.. But the path ahead is not full of roses but throns are there. Will they able to Keep their precious friendship alive or bend down to the evil?

Only time can say......


Author Note :

Hello, my Lovely readers...Hope You all are doing well..

So, here is the next chapter 7, the longest one as I promised till date.

I am really amazed the love, appreciation and support this story has got till now. Thank you once again.

Here, the first official face to face conversation of ARSHI happened. Arnav almost decided to let go of Khushi to respect her decision but Khushi turn the table, For me, it's the destiny. Because they are destined to be together. What you think?

Now, time for some question answer:

1. I have introduced Kuhu in the past, how was it? And In present how was the sudden meet of Kuhu with Arnav ? Please share your thoughts on Kuhu's character.

2. This part is the first step towards ARSHI relationship in past, was it up to the mark?

3. How do you find Advay and Sneha here?

4. Lastly, Please share your thoughts, regarding the progress of this story, so I CAN IMPROVE.

Thank you so, so much again, for all your love you are showering in this FF..I hope, I will get your support and love in future too...

I can assure you one thing, The story will be an interesting and entertain one..

So, keep reading, Keep voting and leave your comments...

Next update on Wednesday.

Until then stay healthy and happy.

Thank you once again..

Love and Regards..



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