
Au Ongniel Minhwan Eternal

SeongWu put on his coat before going outside.

He gets into the elevator and thinks about what he need to buy. The weather forecast said it gonna has heavy snow in the next few days so he need to stores some more foods. He keep thinking until the elevator open and Kim Ha Eun steps in.

“SeongWu oppa, what a coincidence!”

Her adorable look and bright smile always left a good impression on SeongWu. He nicely greets her back.

“You’re out for shopping?”


“I heard there gonna be heavy snow, I need to refill my fridge soon.”

“Yeah, me too! It’s almost emty.”

Ha Eun is a nice girl. SeongWu feels really comfortable talking with her.

“A, oppa, do you know Daniel oppa’s cellphone number?”


“People said you are quite close to him, so I….”

Her face slightly turning red. SeongWu sensitive enough to understand the reason.

“They also said that Daniep oppa is still single. He is just my type, I want to takes a chance. But I didn’t have much conversation with him while we was filming together, I couldn’t ask for his number.”

Although her face is all red but she still talks about her feeling without hesitiation. SeongWu can just listening while admiring her straightfowardness.

“Daniel isn’t single…”

SeongWu stops halfway. He has never thought about what kind of relationship between he and Daniel. They can’t be friends, not a normal type of friends obviously. SeongWu knows he never see him as a friend. And for himself, Daniel will never be a friend to him. He don’t even know what exactly he feel about Daniel. But when he heard “Daniel oppa is still single”, something in him suddenly feel strange.

Ha Eun seem to be surprised.

“Not single? Daniel oppa got a lover already? Who is it?”

The shilver door open the way out for him. SeongWu immediately runs out and leaves Ha Eun behind.


SeongWu runs out of the building. He runs to a small valley and decides to go shop in a little further supermarket.

Next time he meet Ha Eun, it gonna be really awkward. She won’t let SeongWu go that easy. She gonna ask until he answer all of her questions or at least give her Daniel’s number.

Should I just give it to her…

The small though of his own even makes him more annoyed.
A part of him just don’t want to let Ha Eun know about Daniel…




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