
Boboiboy Drabble Series Cake Au


Solar looked at the bottle in his hand. It's the medicine for Halilintar. Solar sighed and rubbed his eyes. He didn't know what he should do now. The medicine clearly is a help for Halilintar but Solar can also see some negative effects it have on him. Solar wanted Halilintar to stop using the medicine but it also could cause more harm than help.


Solar turned around to the sight of Duri who clearly just woke up.

"Solar, it's 3 a.m. You should get some sleep."

"Go back to sleep, Duri. I can handle myself."

Duri looked at him unimpressively. Like he's a dumbass.

"Solar, you collapsed last week due to lack of sleep. So excuse me for not trust you on this."

Solar felt slightly offense but didn't say anything because Duri only stating the truth.

"Okay, I get it. I need sleep."

Solar raised his hands in defeated. He just sighed before continue.

"But I don't think I can, Duri. I'm really anxious about this thing right now that I probably can't rest."

Duri just pouted and pulled Solar going with him.

"Wait- Where are we going?"

"The kitchen."

So, to the kitchen, they go. Duri pushed Solar sit down on one the chair near their dining table before disappeared into the kitchen. After about 10 minutes, he came back with two cups of... warm milk?

"Really, Duri?"

Duri just shrugged when handing him the white cup with sunflower image on the front to him. Solar decided to roll with it and accepted the cup.

He took a sip of warm milk and instantly relaxed. Duri gave him a knowing look while also enjoy his own milk. They spent time just basking in the lingered smell of baked goods and enjoying warm milk in silence. By the time he finish the milk, Solar found himself yawning. Duri shooed him back to their room while stay back to clean up.

Solar reached his bed and slipped right into sleep. In his sleep, Solar felt someone fixing his position to put him into his blanket properly. Solar sighed happily before went back to sleep. Deeply this time.

Duri & Solar---

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