
Hikikomari Is There Still Hope

Mari pov:
/ Its practically her head space so she should narrate right? Lol :P /

A girl with long black hair in a white dress woke up in a strange white room, she has been living here for as long as she remember, Welcome to white space Hikikomori or also known as Omari There was a laptop, she opens it, stares at the screen than check her notes inside, there were only repeated notes, nothing else, there was also a sketch book, she opens it to only find some old horror theme art in black and red, nothing new in sight, Mewo a black cat who was just sleeping in the corner of the room, meow at her asking if she's wiating for something to happend, Omari got bored so she starts walking around only to get grabbed by 1 of the floating red hands in White Space, she soon than heard a sound, it sounds like something dropped nearby, so she went to see what it is, she found a steak knife and put it in her pocket, when she turns around, there was a white door, she shrugs and open the door and walks inside only to be encounter a very colourful room, everything and even the people are pastel colour, it is full of child like wonder imagination, you can see a giant black cat that looks like Mewo gaurding the room, than she saw 2 kids and 1 boy her age were playing cards, a girl with long black (or purple-ish???) Hair in a  nice long dress who has a pink bow on her hair runs up to her in excitement

Aubrey: Omari!! Your finally here! Do you want to play cards with us? We were just about to start a new game! Oh... Uh nevermind...
Kel: dangit Aubrey! What the heck?! You mess up all the cards! I was winning too!
Hero: now, now Kel it was just a game
Kel: don't give me that Hero! Your only saying that bcz you were losing!
Hero: 😒
Aubrey: ugh Omari, Kel is still being a super meanie to me! Just yesterday that good for nothing idiot stole my stuffed toy and hid it somewhere in this room! I try to find it but no good... Can you help me find it Omari? Pleeeaaaase!!
Omari: ok...

Omari takes a walk around the room then eventually found a stuffed toy inside a water melon, it was a eggplant stuff toy, she took it and bring it over to Aubrey, the girl eyes sparkle in delight as she sees the stuff toy and snatch it away from Omari, than she quickly run over to Kel to smear it into his face and make fun of him

Aubrey: is that? Could it be?! Eeek! Thank you so munch Omari! Hey Kel! Look what i got!
Kel: huh?! What the- how?!
Aubrey: Omari found it for me! Suck it Orange Joe!
Kel: ugh...
Hero: serve you right Kel, you know better than to pick on others
Kel: i didnt pick on her! She started it!

Kel cross his arms and puff his cheeks pouting, Hero could only chuckled with a single sweat, Omari walks over to him

Omari: hey Hero...
Hero: ah hey Omari! Thanks for settling down the situation there, these 2 really don't know when to stop fighting each other huh? *Sigh* their sooo energetic...
Omari: thats the joy of youth... They take every step forward full of energy....
Hero: yeah i geuss your right, any ways we promised that we would go meet Sunny and Basil for a picnic at the playground remember? We should go, wouldn't want them wiating
Omari: ok...

They all line up behind Omari as she leads the way out of the room, everyone 1 by 1 came out of a stump until Aubrey pop her head out, struggling to get out

Kel: aha! Finally! Gotta love that sweet nature air! C'mon guys! Lets go!
Aubrey: hold it! Uhh! Guys help! I'm stuck! Get me out!
Kel: if only you say please!
Aubrey: Kel. Stop fooling around and help me.
Kel: ugh fine, your sunch a party pooper...
Aubrey: ugh took you long enough
Kel: well sorry princess

After Kel pull Aubrey out of the stump, everyone headed to the playground once they arrived they turn to see 2 little boys talking to each other on a picnic blanket, Aubrey loudly called out to them as she and the others approach them

Aubrey: Sunny! Basil!
Sunny: hi Aubrey... Everyone... How are you doing today...?
Aubrey: Kel is being mean to me again!
Sunny: again Kel...?
Kel: pssshhh! I'm not mean! Aubrey is just whiny! You know how she is Sunny!
Sunny: hmm... Now I don't know who to believe...
Aubrey: believe me!
Kel: no believe me!
Hero: alright you two settle down! Why does it always have to be like this...
Omari: cheer up Hero, look at you bring all responsible, that's what I like most about you
Hero: hehe! Omari...! Not now...
Omari: I'm teasing~ your so cute when you get all flustered!
Hero: ...
Sunny: while we were waiting for you guys, Basil and I were going threw his photo album... Do you wanna join us?
Kel: of course! We're the ones in the pictures aren't we? Oh right that reminds me! Hey Basil! Basil! Get a loud of this!!
Basil: hm?

Kel does a pose and Aubrey looked at him not amused, while the rest try not to laugh at his carefree spirit to express himself

Kel: C'mon take a picture of me Basil!
Basil: sorry Kel I only take pictures when people least expect it!
Hero: you like taking pictures of people acting naturally when they are not Infront of a camera, right Basil?
Basil: yeah... There's something special about everyone living their own lives, those are the moments I want to capture
Kel: so we just have to pretend your not there?
Basil: well I guess you could put it that way...
Kel: sure I can do that!
Sunny: do you want to show us your photo album now Basil...?
Basil: oh ok... It's nothing amazing...
Aubrey: oh Basil stop doubting yourself! I'm sure they'll be great!
Basil: your right Aubrey... Sorry I'll try to believe in myself more... Here! This way we can all see!

Basil takes out his photo album and lay it in the centre for everyone to see
They all lean in to see the moments of their lives captured beautifully threw the view of a camera, there are even little notes explaining what's going on in the photos

Hero: wow Basil these photos are all so charming, you really know how to capture the moment!
Basil: thanks... I didnt take all of them tho... Omari likes to take my camera some times
Omari: only sometimes~
Basil: oh do you guys want to come over and hangout at my house? I have been planting some new seeds and flowers lately, I would for you all to see them!
Kel: sure that sounds fun! Let's go!
Hero: it's south to the playground right?
Basil: yeah that's the way
Sunny: ... I think I'll sit this one out... I have to stay and practice on my violin... But if you ever need something you can stop by one of my picnic spots... Or follow the sound of my violin... I'll have some refreshments ready for you when you need it...
Basil: aww thanks Sunny! Your doing so much for us!
Kel: Bye Sunny! We'll see you again soon!
Sunny: have fun...

Omari stands by as she watches Sunny pulls out a violin from its case and readies it before starts practicing... The sight was a little sad to see but Sunny gave her a small smile, telling her to go with her friends, she turns back as everyone thought they aren't in a rush so they went to say hi to everyone in the playground

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