
Hikikomari Is There Still Hope

inside the home of the Suzuki family there was a shocking scene of dispute happening between the 2 siblings

Sunny: .... .... .... .... i-im sorry... I don't want to keep doing this anymore...
Mari: Sunny I don't understand... What are you saying?
Sunny: I'm saying... I don't want to play the violin anymore! It's exhausting trying to keep up with you Mari....! I can't do this anymore.... I don't want to play Infront of a crowd... I can't...
Mari: what...? Your kidding right? All of the hard work we put into and you choose to quit now?! Tonight is the night of our recital Sunny! We cat quit now! It has to be perfect! We practiced for this!!
Sunny: exactly! You keep locking yourself away in your room playing that piano to perfection... And I have to take extra classes to learn violin... It's feels terrible when I couldn't even spend time with you or our friends... I'm tired and I don't want to do this anymore

Sunny angrily throws his violin down the stairs and the violin breaks into pieces as it crashes down each step

Mari: oh god.... Sunny! What did you do?!
Sunny: . . . . . .
Mari: why did you do that?! Did you know how munch effort it took for me and everyone to put h in and get this for you?! Do you know how important this recital is?! We have very little time and that violin was expensive! Now how are we-
Sunny: i-i-im sorry... I was just... Frustrated...
Mari: your frustrated?! I'm angry! Do you have any idea of tiring it is to prepare for this recital?!
Sunny: Mari i-
Mari: All of this is ruined now because of you!! Uh?!
Sunny: ahh!

Mari stared in shock as she just realise when she swing her arm, it hit her younger brother, knocking him down the stairs, there was brief moment where they both look at each other with horrified expressions as Sunny was reaching out for a helping hand, Mari try to catch him but ultimately failed, the boy fall back on the stairs so bad that he landed on the violin and it started to made his head bleed, Mari cover her mouth and gasp, she quickly ran down to Sunny trying to make sure hes alive while panicking, at that moment, Hero walked in and at the sight of the scene, he frozed in shock, Mari saw him and cry out for his help as Hero rush over to check up on Sunny

Mari: Hero!! Help! I- i didnt mean to- Sunny! H-h-he-
Hero: Mari calm down! Let me check on him!
Mari: what have i done...?!
Hero: .... Weak heart beat and pulse, we need the first aid kit quick!
Mari: got it!

Mari ran off to get the first aid kit while Hero looks at Sunny in fear, seeing how munch blood the young has boy lost, Mari came back with the kit and Hero immediately try to patch up Sunny wounds, once he finished, nothing happened, they waited for the boy to wake up but he is not responding, Mari cries in fear of what she has done, Hero can only check on the body many times until....

Mari: H-Hero... What's wrong...? Why isnt he waking up ...?
Hero: Mari... H-his body is cold... I can't feel any pulse...
Mari: no... I-It... It can't be...!!
Hero: I'm sorry... H-Hes...
Mari: this is all my fault.... Why did i over react about a stupid recital?!
Hero: ... ... ... ... D-Don't worry Mari ... Everything will be ok... I know what we have to do...

Mari didnt understand Hero at his words as he stood up and gose down stairs, Mari sat in her bed room watching her little brothers body confused, what did he mean by that? Is he going to get the grown ups for help? Is he calling the ambulance?
Thoughts were running threw Mari head before Hero entered the room again holding a sharp knife in his hand, Mari stare in shock at the object in his hand as he walks up to her

Mari: i... I don't understand... Sunny favourite steak knife...? Hero... What are you planning to do with that...
Hero: don't worry Mari, it will be ok... You would never do this to Sunny, the Mari i know loves Sunny, she would never hurt him in anyway..., i-i-i saw Something behind you! That must be it! I-its trying to frame you! I-if we just make it look like something else... No one will see you as the bad person... This is all but a misunderstanding...!
Mari: Hero... You wouldn't...

Hero took the knife and stab it into Sunny, Mari was speechless and could not move, what is her boyfriend doing to her little brother...? Making it look like suicide? No... This is not right...
Hero took Sunny hand and make it hold onto the knife tightly and back away

Hero: we should leave...
Mari: . . . .

Soon after, The Suzuki parents, Kel, Aubrey and Basil came to pick everyone up, they find it strange that they couldn't find Sunny, so they check in his bed room, Basil was shock with tears falling from his eyes, Kel fell down to his knees not believing what's infront of him, Aubrey cries as she doesn't understand whats going on and why there is a knife in Sunnys chest, the recital was canceled as police came to handled the situation in the house, everyone held a funeral for the young boy in great sorrow, Aubrey couldn't stop crying, Kel is trying his best to comfort her while unable to stop his own tears himself, Mari blankly stares at Sunny in the casket with a expressionless face despite the tears won't stop falling from her eyes, Hero was by her side, meanwhile Basil... He was leaning on the coffin holding Sunny corpse so everyone in the funeral could see him, Basil was crying endlessly as he calls out to Sunny name... Even whispering apologies over and over again... He had to be taken home soon after that, before Basil left the funeral he took 1 last glance at the coffin with a serious look, his face was nothing but black and his eyes were red, they were only looking at 2 people in this very funeral with all the bloodlust and rage in his vains

Back at the house, the 2 parents had a conversation with the police and they were shock to hear a discovery, as the police leaves, the 2 parents had a break down, not believing what they just heard while unknowing to them, Basil was standing infront of their house, his back lying against the wall, he was there and listened to everything the police has told them, he gritted his teeth as he hold onto his arm tightly, he stood up straight and run off, now the 2 parents are arguing with each other, Mari just came down stairs and hide as they fight, the last and only thing she could only hear was

" Thats it! I'm leaving this house!! She's not my daughter!! My daughter is not a murder!!"

Her mother stormed out of the house as she slammed the door, Mari was shock, how could they found out...

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