
In Our Next Life Levi

Forever in sunset

"Give that to me." A stern voice appeared from behind, this made Shizue hover closer to the wall and hide what she was doing.


Levi irked. "Stop being so stubborn."

"I can handle it!" For a vice-captain, Shizue can be a real handful whenever she's injured. But when it comes to strength, there's no way she stood a chance against humanity's strongest soldier. Levi managed to get a hold of his arm including the cotton she was using to clean her wound. Shizue pouted.

"Stop that." Says Levi, not looking at her but focused on his work. "Why didn't you go to the medical team?"

"Because!" Levi glanced at her for a minute, she quickly avoided his gaze. "There's people in there who need help more than I do."

The ravenette man halted, but immediately regained his composure. Levi began bandaging her wound. "You needed help to didn't you?"

"Yeah, but they need it more than me." Levi had a hard time whether her selflessness made him hate or love her even more. He loved that he cared about other people, but he didn't want that to be the reason that could get her hurt. 

"There, you're all good." Levi gave her hand a soft pat, Shizue smiled and rubbed her arm. 

"Thanks, Levi." 

They live in a cruel place, their lives is always on the line every time they go outside those walls. Levi cares for her too much, which is also one of the reasons why he couldn't let himself be with her. 

Gojo couldn't quite help but overhear the loud crash that sounded as if a giant ship just hit the land.

Now Gojo Satoru was not one of the very job-doing sorcerers, but at that moment, he felt he needed to take a look to see if it was made by a curse spirit.

The white-haired man teleported to where the crash came from and saw an old-fashioned ship, yes it looked brand new but the style used to design it seemed really old. Like a millennium old. And not only that, but he saw the passengers dressed in formal attire, but what really caught his attention, was their expressions. They were confused.

The look on their faces explains that it was their very first time seeing everything, even the smallest buildings. There were so many foreign things they had never seen before. Those smallest details had caught his eye specifically, that it came to him, they might not be from here. Not only that, but the whole ship was covered with traces of cursed energy.

Just then a certain white haired male appeared before their eyes as if he came out of nowhere to gave them a proper Tokyo greeting.

"GOOD DAY EVERYO---" Gojo didn't get to finish his sentence when two blades clashed before his eyes that was now pointing against his throat, revealing two ravenettes with cold steel grey eyes.

'woah. they're fast.'

"Who are you and where the hell are we?" Questioned the ravenette man with a huge scar across his eye. He was one terrifying man just by looking at him. Gojo kind of reminded him of someone he knew.

"Captain! Let's not be hasty. " Armin tried to calm the two and got in between the stranger and the Ackermans. "I'm Armin Arlert the commander of the scout regiment from Paradis island. Uhm, we're a bit confused, could you be kind enough to tell us what nation are we in right now?" The blonde nicely asked.

Sure he just popped out of nowhere but they had no one else to talk to. And they just got off a war between titans, at this point nothing surprises them anymore. (Or so they thought)

"Scout regiment... Paradis?" Gojo  mumbled confusedly while the rest deadpanned at him. He was trying to look as if he knew what that means and now he's miserably failing.

"Just tell us where the hell are we." Levi ordered impatiently.

"Alrighty, well, you're not in the island. This is Japan." Gojo said bluntly and watched them turn to a confused mess.

"But I'm assuming none of you knows that." He says, which made a certain blonde female glare at him.

"If we knew we wouldn't have asked." Annie scoffed, starting to find the white haired man in front of them ... kind of annoying.

"Hey now let's chill a little. Damn you guys are intense. The name's Gojo Satoru." Gojo introduced as he was still trying to ease the dark aura surrounding them as if they're ready to kill him at any moment, but Gojo being himself, he was still shining stupidly bright.

"Look, I'd be happy to help you out. I may not have the answers as to why you were transported in this country but, I can find you a place to stay until we can figure this thing out." He beamed but was only met by a cold deadpan from the scarf girl. 'that hurts....'

Gojo has always been the type person who takes risk, especially when he sees potential in something. And right now, all this to him was very very interesting.

"Why would you help us? What's in it for you?" Jean couldn't help but ask. He was thankful that someone wanted to help them but of course he can't just go trusting some stranger they met. Especially someone who wears a blindfold.

"Nothing of course, but I am curious about where you're from." He answered. Levi could tell he was being honest, and even if he doesn't want to, they have to do what ever it takes to find out what happened and how they got here. And more importantly, to find their way back. In the meantime, they also need to know how to survive in this new place.

"I suppose, I agree." The captain spoke.

"Levi-san, are you sure we can trust him?" Pieck asks the captain before turning back to the white haired male. "He looks weird."

"T-that's so mean!" Gojo was hurt upon her remark.

"And seems a bit childish to me." Mikasa added that caused a giant arrow shot through Gojo's chest.

'they're so mean...what did I do to deserve this....'

"But we don't have a choice, you guys." Everyone turns to Armin. "We don't know anything about this...- Japan, we don't even know if the island exists in this place." The blonde male looks at Gojo.

"We do need your help. So why don't you tell us about your country and we'll tell you about ours." Out of everyone he had talked to, this blonde male was the person who made him realize something.

Gojo wanted to know more about them, but he knew once he tells this to the higher ups, they will do something stupid or even get rid of them. But of course he won't let that happen. That's why he chose to tell to one person only. One of the very few people he trust.

"A deal it is. But for now you need a place to stay." He spoke while waving his hand to follow him. They left the ship with the assurance that one of his men will look after it.

"Uhm...are you sure you can help us Gojo-san? I mean there are too many of us, are you that rich?" Connie of all the questions to ask, he chose that.

The white haired man looked back at him with a huge grin. "Of course not. I'm actually broke at the moment!"

'he seems too happy about that...what an idiot.' Levi thought.

"But I do have one friend, I guess you can say she's the only person I trust to keep you guys a secret for a while."

"A secret?" Armin asked.

"Hai, it's a complicated topic. It might be best not to involve anyone." Says Gojo, to which he nodded in agreement.

Connie and Jean was looking around not bothering to listen anymore, while Annie couldn't help but stare at the tall buildings that might be on par with a size of a titan.

They were all new at this place, even the people were different. They were all wearing different clothes that seemed to be very modern and colorful.

The soldiers stopped for a moment when they saw a black van stop in front of them.

"Gojo-- heh?" Ijichi was stopped upon seeing too many new faces, they were like the ones you'd see in history books.

"Who are they?" Gojo gestured them to follow him inside, and he didn't fail to notice the slight hesitation in their eyes. Except for one.

"These are--"


Levi glared at Connie and Sasha who was fawning over a car.

"Stop it you two!" Jean glared. Being new to a foreign place with the two idiot twins surely is a handful.

"Oh this, it's a car. We use it to go to different places." Gojo explained while the two were still busy inspecting every inch of the machine.

"Ijichi, to Apollo towers please." Says the white haired male. The soldiers on the other hand did not fail to notice how the glassed man tensed upon hearing the name. Just by knowing the owner of that place, Ijichi could practically die on his seat .

• • •

Levi was exhausted trying to keep them in line as the rest followed Gojo inside the penthouse. This honestly made them in awe on how huge it is inside. His ears was practically bleeding, because not only did they asked so much questions, Gojo entertained all of it. He cursed on whatever entity brought them here when he should be on Shizue's grave right now.

'Im sorry, Shizue. Please don't get mad. I'll figure out how to get of this fucking place, I promise.'

"What do you think of this friend of his, Armin?" Mikasa whispered to her friend as they went towards the elevator. The two followed the others from behind.

"Based on how the man reacted....I honestly don't know." Armin spoke pertaining to Ijichi. Mikasa nods.

Levi didn't know why he felt so uneasy the whole ride. He didn't know why, but his gut tells him that something will happen, that why he immediately put his guard up.

They followed the white haired man out of the elevator until he stopped at a certain oak colored door and knocked. It wasn't a minute later when the door opened.

Their eyes widened once they saw a very familiar face. The person whom they all believed was dead. They saw her die, they buried her, they cried for her.

But she was standing there in front of them alive and breathing. Levi felt his whole world stop.


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