Talking them softly trying to coax them to warm up to them. But as soon as Fury showed his wings the son ran right into arms while his wife just showed their daughter. Some magic and she was trying to get to. Luna who took her into her arms even shifting into her giant wolf form which startled all the guest they were stunned at how big and beautiful her wolf form was. Quite a few jumped and let out a squeal. The governors wife even though still hold their son snapped pictures of them carrying their grandchildren who were snuggling up to Fury and his wife. Their granddaughter absolutely loved Lunas wolf form. She nuzzled their grandchild. "Big puppy." The little one said, and Luna hugged her. As the father uncovered his face and she noticed. He was one of the Alphas that worked directly under her biological fathers general one of his warrior packs that rare gets noticed for his hard work, loyalty, and dedication he has for the king. But has never given the position, noderity, and rank he deserves due to his status of his parents and family. "They weren't living I'm sorry I thought your putting on an act on the message." He apologized bowing his head. To her she shifted back into her human form. Putting her hand on his shoulder he looked up at her. She smiled showing him their daughters wolf King's marking before she showed him hers."You don't have to apologize Luke. Only very few wolves know I'm my father's heir let alone know I'm my father's biological daughter. Her hasn't exactly revealed my existence to our clan members. So the ones of them are finding out by pure accident. Like you their meeting me by pure chance. But I know all my clan members not just by name, rank, and status. I memorized their personal backgrounds each and every one of them. Including all your acomplishments my blind father doesn't acknowledge you for like I know your the one who single handly took out the rebles that conspired against my father saving Joseph's life just to have him take the credit once again for your accomplishment. Which I still have a hard time understanding why." Luna smiled."Wait how'd you know about that." He asked. She smiled. "We know everything about all our clan members. She's memorized all the wolves so she would know who's who. Instead of being her birth father by not knowing a darn thing about their people. Or what they do I'm telling it was embarrassing that he had no clue which wolf does do what has what position. So ya me and the wife researched every single one. Learning that so many were unrecognized for their true potential and strength. So obviously your one of the first ones we spotted look we run three on the biggest, strongest, and most powerful clans. We work as a team to run them since we are ruling all three together we're soulbonded. So we know everything the other does. So we did our research together to get it done more efficiently and make sure none got looked over. We've been running all three Clans. Our parents are retired including her dad haven't you noticed the king stopped barking orders and hasn't been tending to his duties as king and the corruption in the wolf King stopped uburptly she runs the Bloods, she's their leader, their her family. She had them put a stop to the corruption and major crime in the main heart of the wolf Clan. Yes we aware you've been picking up what ones. You've found and we want to thank you for helping so much even though we didn't ask you to so we decided to make a proposition to you. We're going to make you an offer. We just were waiting till our children were born to announce our existence to the wolf Clan since neither of her birth parents raised her. She was raised as a human so neither parent bothered to reveal her real identity. They don't notice her full potential and ability. They don't realize the power she processes. They neglected her very existence from the moment she didn't meet their unacceptable expectations. They never thought she'd amount to anything. She was a late bloomer all purebred hybrids are because of how much power they process. They never even treated her like she was worth anything till Helsing brought her back at 23. Five months ago. So we were going to do it next meeting with the wolf clan." Fury said, and his wolf ears and tail perked up. Grabbed Lunas hands."You need anything. Anything at all you ask me. I will gladly serve you in any way I possibly can I swear." He gave her an oath."Then let the governor and his wife see their daughter and grandchildren." She said, he nodded eagerly shaking her hand. "Okay you got your self a deal general." Luna smiled handing him a bage. "Gggeeneral." He stuttered. Looking at the bage only the head general of the warrior army for the wolf Clan has he excitedly hugged his wife. She was so happy. "I told you your hard work would pay off. I told you you can do it. And you did it. Baby." She whispered to him. "We reviewed all your acomplishments, hard work, devotion, and loyalty. We decided based on all the information we gathered you are the perfect warrior to place in charge of wolf clans army. Your exactly what we're looking for. Talent, discipline, knowledge, ability, and your an amazing strategist. You've got top notch leadership skills we need someone that is disciplinary, is loyal devoted to fellow warriors, and is willing to actually be a compassionate leader the soldiers will not only listen to but trust. We might have one of the biggest and most powerful warriors. It's a wonder why since they don't just target enemies and even eachother they sabotage eachother, pin themselves against eachother. To the point where if one needs assistance. In the battle field they'll leave them for dead. Even if their just being over powered. By an opponent because they decided to take them alone. Thinking they could take them. It's gotten to the point where said individual is being taking captive. By the opients after their forced into submission. Many the ones like you commoner, low breed, low status. While nobles, high status warriors not only takes all their credit. For the Accomplishments, efforts and work. Everything they do while the ones in your position are overlooked, treated like shit, unnoticed and unappreciated. They also take the blame and repercussions for anything the higher position do since they know they can defend themselves or face a worser punishment. Ya we both reviewed you compliant you tried to send to my father that he place in a pile of compliants he had been ignoring. So we looked and notified, and came up with solutions for every single one. No matter how long ago and no matter who submitted them. I'm putting it into motion with you and the Bloods. I participating to stand by your side if anyone tries to reble and to protect you if they get violent with you. I'm pretty much going to put them in line if they try any funny business because unlike my biological father. I know how to properly handle, treat, and work with an army of warriors. That's why I'm intrograting the blood in with our warriors that are soldiers. To show them their follow soldiers are their family not their opponents. And if I'm their new Queen I'm going to run. Like how Helsing and the hunters showed me like how I run the Bloods. So be prepared for a lot of big changes because I'm going to straighten out the whole wolf Clan and get it running the way a clans supposed to. Especially since momma ain't pregnant no more I'm free to whip their asses in shape as much as I need if though white was scary from the rumors that spreads throughout the Clans. I hate to tell you this." Luna said. As a blood member chimed in. Laughed. "Ha ha couldn't be farther from the truth. I garentee you will never come across a woman or man more terrifing she can force anything with earshot of her into submittion with just a howl, snarl or growl. She can make their entire body absolutely petrified shaking in fear, parilizing their whole body so they cannt run away, pissing them selves, and even fainting. Shes even scared a few so bad they literally has a fatal heart attack. They actually died due to cardeac arrest. Making even the earth beneath their feet quake all from just her roar alone. So correction she's 30 times or more scarier the the rumor she's a weapon of mass destruction. I've single handly seen her take out ENTIRE rudge clans not packs CLANS single handed once simply because their main leader mouthed off to tried to her. After she confronted him when he cat called her. So this phyco whiped out not only him. But his entire clan out like. They were nothing more then ants. Luna's no joke she's taken out 8 entire pretty big and decent size clans. One of them was over 800. She's no joke f ...freaking joke so hope the wolf clans ready to have the most powerful ruler and she's only 23 and already has that title. Their babies compared to the other kings or queens. The youngest kings and queens don't take the throne till their 40 the and their heir normally only is allowed to be the symbol of the clan you know none of them actually. Take over while all the kings responsibilities like their father or mother which normally only have one parent that is real which is should be true with Fury but they DNA they used to perfectly make him was from a Yokai which so happened to carry the blood of one of direct descendants of one of the first kings of the yokia. A member of the Queens direct bloodline but one of the older Generations which they did not realize they had since they have the hardest time conceiving offspring so they had to mix it with a different species but he's still technically full blooded face because he was born to Tooth Fairy parents from their DNA it's just his dominant species trait came from me okay hence why he is completely in Phoenix because he's technically a habit can you mix generous species together and you create a purebred like him you're creating one that has characteristics of both species but is also a purebred and then it has attributes of both of a and also is a phoenix his dad's an elf his mom's a fairy so he has attributes of both of them so if you think about it he's made up of two different species but three different races. So technically by Vitality because he is only Yokai with the world markings to be darker than because it is technically in your car and he was pretty much clone from one of her The Sundays and the only reason why he came out of Phoenix was because they missing her obviously much stronger than any over a fairy in other words there was the most dominant prominent genetics that showed up in the fetus pretty much like we're suffers in Dominic trades his name is just having a been dominant. The elf and fairy happened to been receptive. Respect doesn't need some stronger than both species combined but also stronger than all the races you guys that he's mixed with. But also makes him a warrior type because the Phoenix was a warrior type. So you will have fun trust me they're going to give you a run for your money cuz I already know you won't sarcastic you like to test out the new leaders like their Play-Doh will these two will literally chew them and spit them out like them Bubblegum." They informed, him he smiled. "Good they need one her dad is one of the worst kings ever I swear I've never met one so freaking lazy no offense I know who's your dad but you're nothing like him in that man you can barely get him to lift a finger in fact it makes her mom do most of the work and he just as in his office and potentially he's doing s*** what he's actually just darn darts he ignores his responsibilities and does not do what he's supposed to do it drives me freaking insane I have made so many complaints to him funny I mean you probably say that because my Allied packs and their members are coming up missing left and right because of them being taking captive when the other wolves from the other packs abandonment that are higher up using them as a decoy so they can get away when they're getting attacked which is b******* excuse my language. Do you know how many my friends have had a f****** Berry just because he's too lazy with his fingers and fix the problem because if he wasn't getting thrown to our enemies because the higher-ups decided that their lives were more precious in them and even if they're marked just as a commoner not even a little class one they're literally have no choice but to pretty much wait for death because they get abandoned while they try to fend off the opponent obviously there's more than one of them obviously they would power them because the other ones take off and leave them for dead and don't even bother to help or try to help specially their hair up so freaking lazy even if higher ranking in status Warrior types they are absolute cowards in there so freaking lazy I'm telling you the commoner group is almost done most of the fighting as Warriors because they're the ones are putting their lives online and getting real life taken because the more powerful ones don't want to f****** love to finger tall they just decide as soon as they see them to f****** run and get their companions out which they do hope but as soon as they see when it's a commoner in their group whether it be that their member of the pack or just trying to assist that pack I'm not even joking with you there literally being thrown to them because the other ones don't want to fight they literally run with their tail between your legs like a bunch of whims I don't want to get their hands dirty they literally run away like they're afraid to even lift a finger I don't know if it's because they're so pampered by their high rank status and lifestyle but it shouldn't be that much story you forget the fact that you're a freaking Warrior and you were trying to do so maybe it's high time that they got one like them at least I would no longer have to worry about trying to bust my ass to save everyone that I can while they run away in fear and you know risking my life out there for my comrades because I actually give a s*** about their well-being and safety while the whose guys were into safety like they're lives are worth way more than theirs look I don't care if they're real common or whatever if you remember that Clan or that pack you should be helping each other out and not running." He smiled her husband shook his hand.And that mindset is precisely why we picked you we don't give a s*** if you're lower ranking and s*** it's your mindset that that made us pick you because you are doing it the way that we were taught to your comments your comment you look for each other back then you have each other back so you don't just abandon your comrade and leave them for dead that's cowardice and if you get cowardice that's execution or jail time depending on which one and how bad the situation was your, dies you get executed especially if you just abandon them and you could have did something about it. If it's like one where you would literally had no choice like there was no way he could say them. Like they were already in description that's different we look over that that's an accident that's not caused by somebody's cowardiness but if they just legit want to wait just because I don't want to get their hands dirty that's considered pretty much the same as when you run away from the Army it's a crime and we take a very personal could you send me a warrior if you're too scared to get your hands dirty if you're too scared to face an enemy then you shouldn't have signed up for it you shouldn't have became a warrior shouldn't have went to the training but if you went to the training you did well you aced it and s*** and you're just literally wanting wages because you don't want to have to face a opponent that's just lazy and that's just cowardness that's just you just legit didn't want to deal with it can you let your comrade die for no reason yeah I know that we look very badly upon and if we catch them doing that they're going to get punished all the reports of anybody doing that are not going to get punished from now on. And it's not going to be a late punishment either it's going to be a heart punishment to teach them a damn lesson the harse who makes the punishment the less they're going to do it." Luna said. " just name what day you want to do this I will literally perform take you there my damn self I will be happy to literally dismantle that whole entire plan and help you rebuild it from the top up because that thing needs entirely redone it's a total mess is lost all credibility I'm so bright is one of those powerful Warrior clients because considering that our Warriors run away at the slightest site of trouble yeah no we're not we're a bunch of pansies. I'm glad to see that somebody like both of you are going to be a rulers and I am more than happy to help you have my whole life and dedication you need anything you just ask." He said, shaking both their hands before taking his children. "I'm look forward to working with you and your husband. I'll even be your right hand man if you want I'm one of the very few wolves of authority that is a commoner and speak up about the injustice the clan is under especially us commoners we're restricted from getting any rank other then that of a commoner we're not allowed growth or to Excel or Givin any chances to give ourselves or our family our children a chance at a better life the life we could only dream of. Which is exactly what I want for our children. I'm sorry I was so admit to bring them around you. I was just protecting my family. They target my wife not only because im a commoner and her husband. Even the other commoners target her because she's human the weaker you are the more they target. They'll even fatality attack them if their by themselves. They will target and kill any individual they see as weakening the gene poll. I'm afraid to go to work and leave her a kids alone I'm afraid one day I'm going to come home and find her dead. And it scares me to death." He said hugging her parents they noticed how much he was holding Back his emotions. "So I have to seal up the house locking us inside till he gets home im to terrified to leave my house especially now since im so far along in my pregnancy. I learned my lesson the first time one of them noticed i was pregnant. They got way worse they started physically going after me getting physically violent. If he wasn't there to protect me. Me and our second child would be dead. All because of the stupid housing and status regulations and laws. That stupidking placed for the warriors and individuals in position. Making falsepromises for growth, life, and ranking opportunities. Thats the only reason we agreed. And moved to the main territory. He made falsified promises after promises. When he seen how talented good and dedicated of a warrior my husband was. He made us believe he was just trying to help for our son. He lored us in with the promises of a better future for our children. Only to take everything we had including my beautiful big cabin on a beautiful big property that was far from any neighbors my husband saved up to get us so we would have a safe place to start and grow a family. Instead he gave us the smallest house to restrict how many children we have. Put us in the poorest and most dangerous area in the entire clans territory. In hopes while my husband's away which is why he mandatory assignments. Telling him if he failed to fulfill his duties he'll loss his job he worked so hard for his whole life loss his title, be demoted and even threatened to mark him as a Rodge if he refuses to comply just because he expressed his concern of leaving me home alone with our son. When he found out I was pregnant with our second especially when he seen how terrified I was to be home alone. I cried begging him to stay with me. Which only made the king threat us even more till I had no choice but to let him go. All because one of the noble lady's Karen who parents are extremely close after they're childhood friends passed away they raised their children together so you probably know exactly who I'm talking about." She trembled as Luna "I do she's a tramp I would say she's a see you next Tuesday. But then I'll get acused of bulling or abusing my authority. But I don't give a shit shes a bitch. My siblings always fell for her fake two faced ass. She manipulates my oldest brother into thinking she loves him. But I was the only one who seen how sleazy she is how she flirted and tried to acted nice to my siblings. To there face but then talked shit and would. Tell everyone their business shit they told her in confidence. She never payed attention to me she thinks I'm human the. Whole wolf Clan doesn't even know I'm one of their biological daughters. They thought I was a servant especially since the last time they seen me I hadn't blossomed yet. So she never noticed or put her fake persona on so don't you worry about her I know who she really is. Rest at ease I'll protect you and I'll put her my family, and the other clan members in their place. We're who's in charge not them. So maybe it's time I stepped in I was going to wait till the meeting but I can't allow this so we're stepping now. Fury can you have your parents or Helsing okay or both.." "we got it honey we'll watch the children while you two resolve the problem. Promise their in the best hands we'll take good care of our grand children. We'll call if we need anything Promise. Now go." Helsing assured her as they took their children they gave them kisses said their good byes as the hunters gathered their presents and cards givin by the guests. As they ordered the Bloods to shadow them. So they'd be out of sight but following them incase they needed assistance. Luna made her husband a grand duke and gave him the power and authority of the highest ranking noble. They went back to the wolf Clan in their car her husband let. Fury and Luna let the wife get off first he was wearing a giant trench coat so nobody would be able to see her baby belly and as soon as I got out there was already in your Bible targeting her well they got to really big surprise not her husband but Fury smacked them away making them help they went to look at him growl at till they seen how big Fury was since his body build was that of a Yokai. Yokia males especially are normally pretty big with a warriors physic muscular. Since Yokai are more solitary they are build with a bigger build because they're constantly fighting. Their strength only increases after they have a expecting or live offspring with a female. Since they are like male lions protect their mate and offspring. If he is defeated their family is wiped out so he was extremely intimating. He flashed them a Mencing grin. When their groupies walked up growling showing their fangs. Till Luna growled. "I suggest you don't do that my wifes behind me I don't think you want to challenge your Queen she's not as docile as her dad unlike him she will kick your ass." Fury warned them. As a huge roughed up male walked up challenging him. "Got a death wish who do you think you are." He growled"No but obviously you do. Im the man married to the new wolf kings. Well queen since you know she's a woman's. And you just sized up the king of the fae so you must have a dealth wish. Okay honey I'll leave him to you." He said, as she literally pushed him out of the way. Lunging at him. Knocking him down with a hard thud. Making him hit his head so hard it knocked him out."Seriously that's it. Pathedic and you call yourself a warrior please. Love you literally could've flicked him and he'd die. So much for bringing bodyguards. Didn't need them. And to think I was going the give him a cozy position as a royal knight because of how impressively physically strong you are. You did not meet my expectation not even close. Okay who next on my list honey." Luna said, looking at her list that he pulled it put as Luke pulled her up. "If theirs anyone on the list that you notice here. Point them out RIPPER will evaluate them I'm not waisting precious energy if I don't have to." Luna sighed. "Plus you forgot to change out of your Wedding dress your highness." He teased. "Oh ya no wonder your neighbors little one was laughing at me i must look pretty silly. How embarrassing this is not how wanted to meet my clan members. They probably never will be able to take me seriously. I wouldn't be able to take me seriously I'm in my wedding dress. I was just so worried about your wifes safety I neglected to realize I didn't change out of my wedding dress." She said looking down noticing that she was still wearing it as a little old lady came her. A sweet little granny it looks like she couldn't have harmed a fly she looked like the sweetest little thing. She came up behind her and she turned around as Luna faced her. "Hi granny what are you doing out I told to wait until I came to your house you know it's to dangerous for you to be walking around here like that. You 79 granny what if someone attacked you or something you know they don't give a s*** about age if they see you with weeks they will attack you you know that I'm sorry she is my grandmother and she is not afraid of nothing I don't even know you could literally throw it right in front of this old woman she would like it was a cat..." He said, as Luna knelt to her eye level and extended her hand giving her smile. She smiled gently before taking her hand. And shaking her hand. "How ever could I stay home when your wife told me we had a new king and she's a queen. But you didn't tell me she was so beautiful. You are gorgeous my dear. I'm granny. "Thank you granny that's very sweet of you I would have felt more comfortable knowing they even wait until he came and got you sorry darling I can't have you getting hurt. She is just precious. But you can't be going around with no stop button granny without anybody with you grandsons right it is dangerous too dangerous for such a sweet granny. Yes I'm your new Queen I'm the only biological child of your king that inherited his markings I also inherited my mother's which makes me the ruler of two not just one clan. And most of the new supreme of the witches. My names Luna. The handsome guy behind me is my husband Fury he's king of the fae. So we run three Clans." Luna smiled warmly she looked at very curiously before blurting."You say he's the king of the fae but that handsome young devil is clearly not a fae male." She blurted making them laugh."Now how on Earth did you noticed that barely anything about his kind yet you were able to start within two seconds." Luna surprise her when she affectionately gave her a hug it's like she didn't know how to react. Has her grandson motioned her to hug her back.
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