Chapter 4 ("The Unnie who catches Chickens")
Amber smiled at she watched Krystal come out of her house that morning. Like a good girlfriend she was waiting to pick the younger girl up for school. As Krystal approached her car she couldn’t help but think that younger girl looked like a model no matter what she did.Time was moving in slow motion for her as Krystal swished her hair from side to side and then swiped it towards the back. Her long legs and milky skin looked endless under the uniform skirt that she’d hiked up and shortened quite a bit. Her tie was undone and she had a blank look on her face. With her knee high socks she looked straight out of a pervert’s, or Amber’s, wet dream.She didn’t realize she was staring with her mouth open until Krystal opened the door to the passenger seat and groaned, “I hate Mondays.”Amber blinked out of her stupor and blushed before smiling at the other girl, “Uh, yeah. Mondays.”Krystal raised an eyebrow at the other girl who was pulling away from the curb. When she realized the other’s pink cheeks she smirked to herself and twirled her hair around her finger. She was never one to be oblivious to others being attracted to her, especially if it was Amber.She sighed and sat back in her seat before groaning again. Of course, she made a point to make the groan longer and much more sexual than necessary. She caught Amber’s nervous eyes darting her direction. Krystal Jung knew she was hot stuff. She knew she was attractive. She knew how to be attractive. She did sexy very well.“Amber…” she made sure to drag the other girl’s name out. She opened her window slightly and let the wind tumble her hair, “It’s sooo hot.” She smirked internally to herself when she noticed Amber’s blush become even fiercer.“Uhh yeah, are you sure you don’t want me to just turn on the AC, you know…so the wind…and your hair…yeah.” She was trying really hard to focus on the road. Really.Krystal wanted to giggle in glee but held it in. She fanned herself and pulled her undone tie to the side to unbutton the top few buttons of her shirt. She did just enough so that the top of her very lacy and very expensive bra could be seen. Just because she didn't like her unnies shouting it to the world, doesn't mean it wasn't true. She liked sexy underpants. She pulled the shirt apart and continued fanning herself, “Ugh, so hot.”Amber turned to the younger girl and nearly stomped her foot on the breaks at the scene displayed to her. She looked at Krystal’s face, unable to say a word and gulped. Oh, she was doing this on purpose. She was totally doing this on purpose. If there was one drawback to “unofficially” being with Krystal Jung, it was that she was an absolute and incredibly suffocating tease.Knowing the other girl was doing it on purpose Amber forced herself to look forward and keep on driving as if nothing was bothering her. With Krystal constantly moaning about how hot it was the short haired girl was sure she would lose her mind before they reached the High School.Inner Krystal was laughing her heart out at the flustered girl next to her. Amber should just give in, she thought to herself. Krystal had always wondered why Amber refused to take their relationship to the next level. She rolled her eyes internally, well, technically they weren’t even dating yet.But regardless of that fact, she would tease and torture Amber for as long as she could. It was fun.Amber began to get nervous when she watched Krystal uncap and drink out of her own water bottle at a red light. The way the water moved down her throat with her eyes closed in pleasure. She was going to lose her mind. Oh. Some of the water was slipping down her chin. Amber gripped the steeling wheel so tight her knuckles were turning white.When Krystal removed the bottle from her mouth and licked her lips something within her snapped. To both of their surprise the short haired blonde leaned over and very smoothly licked the stray rivulet of water off of the younger girl’s chin with her eyes closed. Time was moving in slow motion. She finally opened her eyes to meet with Krystal’s deviously smiling ones. Damn this girl.She was about to close the distance between their lips when a honk from behind alerted her that she was blocking traffic. Immediately flustered she uncharacteristically cursed quietly to herself and moved the vehicle. She forced herself not to turn to Krystal for the rest of the ride.Krystal was very proud of herself. Although a part of her was embarrassed that Amber did what she did, another part of her was extremely turned on. With a satisfied grin on her face Krystal stopped her antics and sat quietly for the rest of the ride. She had tortured the other girl enough. When the pair finally reached the High School Amber breathed a sigh of relief. She parked the car to the side and frowned at Krystal, who only smiled, “Thanks for the ride, Amber~”Before she could get out of the car Amber gripped her wrist and nodded her head at her unbuttoned shirt and tie, “Cover yourself up would you?” she frowned, cheeks still pink from her actions earlier.Krystal laughed to herself and leaned forward, giving Amber a good view, before slowly buttoning up her shirt, “Okay.” She smirked at Amber’s lingering stare.While waiting for Krystal to finish with her tie Amber tapped her finger on the steering wheel and mumbled, “It’s nice.”Krystal raised a brow, “What?”Amber sighed, a small blush on her cheeks, “It’s nice, I said. The purple…with black laces and…” she trailed off.Krystal gave a predator like smirk and leaned over before whispering in her ear, “Glad you like it. I got it for you.” She quickly kissed Amber on the cheek before closing the door behind her and walking off like nothing had happened.Amber shook her head and slapped her furiously red cheeks. That girl was going to be the death of her one day. The tomboy had to take a few minutes to calm her raging hormones before feeling confident she could drive safely again. With the amount of cars in the lot she knew it would take some time for her to get to the main exit gate.So instead of the main gate Amber opted to leave out of the back gate, which parents who dropped off their children rarely used. A buzz on her phone made her check the small device. She immediately smiled when she saw the pictures sent to her and parked the car in a free space to peruse them.With each picture she made mental notes to herself to thank her Oppa for being so amazing. But also, with each picture she grew nervous. Would the other girl even accept? It would be a huge step and…they weren’t even “dating” yet. She was so engrossed in the pictures that she was beyond startled when she saw a chicken loudly fly past her windshield. The flying poultry took Amber by surprise when it screamed its head across and hopped off of the hood of her car. She dropped the phone in the passenger seat and scrambled out of the car, confused when she saw the animal scurrying away screaming its little head off.Amber stayed outside for a while and looked around the other side of her car, curious as to how the chicken came to be at the High School. She scratched her head in confusion before shaking her head, “I must be going nuts…Krystal is driving me nuts.”She walked back over to the driver side and slid in before closing her eyes and sighing. What she was not expecting was a voice to greet her, “’We should go shopping soon. Since you liked the one I wore today so much, I want to buy some others you’d like much more.’ Winky face.”Amber yelped and jumped in her seat before turning to the passenger side. A very calm looking Sunny was scrolling through her phone, more specifically the text message Krystal had just sent her, as if there was nothing amiss.Amber couldn’t move a muscle. She watched as Sunny raised her brows, “There’s a folder called ‘mine’ with a very interesting thumbnail.”Amber immediately came back to her senses and snatched the phone out of Sunny’s grip. Sunny smirked at the other girl and leaned back in her seat. Amber slipped the phone back into her pocket before gulping and addressing the older girl, “S-Sunny Unnie. What are you doing here…in my front seat?” she tried to ask without trembling.Sunny got comfortable and crossed her arms before yawning, “Oh you know, I just thought you might want some company, since Soojung is in school and all. Thought you might be lonely.” She gave the tomboy an eye smile.Amber laughed nervously and nodded slowly, her back still plastered to the driver side door, “…So…”Sunny raised a brow, “Well you’re not gonna hang around here right? I mean, it’s a little creepy for someone your age to be hanging around a high school for no reason.”Amber eased back into her seat and shifted her car into reverse cautiously, keeping the resting Sunny in her peripherals. She eased the car out of the parking lot and the two drove in relative silence for a while until Amber broke it, “So…is there anywhere you need to be? Anywhere you want me to drop you off or escort you to?”Sunny opened her eyes and attacked Amber with her cuteness, “You’re trying to get rid of me? How cruel!” she pouted at the other girl.Overwhelmed by the amount of cuteness the other girl was displaying Amber didn’t know quite how to react and instead blurted out nonsense before being able to say a proper sentence, “I mean…I’d love to spend some time with you if you’re not busy…?”Sunny immediately smiled, her eyes turning into crescents, “Great! Just make a right here and keep going straight until you reach the freeway entrance.” She leaned back in her seat.Amber watched the road silently and thought to herself, had she just been played? Sighing, Amber prepared herself for the worst and kept on driving. After they’d gotten on the freeway Sunny turned on the radio and started singing along to some popular pop song rather animatedly.Amber was a little hesitant at first, but she finally joined in singing along to the song as well. She hadn’t known how long they were driving and singing for but her throat felt sore. Sunny suddenly sat up in her seat and pointed at a sign, “You’re gonna wanna take that exit right there.”Amber nodded absentmindedly, forgetting that she had no idea where Sunny was taking her or why. At the light Sunny’s phone started ringing. The girl beamed after checking the ID and greeted the caller with energy. Amber watched silently as Sunny continued on her conversation, acting as cute as possible towards whoever it was on the other line.Sunny continued to point directions out to Amber and she silently followed. For some reason a bad feeling started creeping up on her, and it wasn’t this morning’s breakfast. After a while she found herself driving next to cows, grass, trees, and more cows. Confused, she turned to Sunny but was surprised when the phone was shoved into her face.Sunny clicked speaker and Amber hesitantly said, “H-hello?”“You better drive safe. You’ve got precious cargo in there.” The threatening voice sounded familiar, but before she could reply she could only hear the dial tone. Swallowing her response she focused on the road once again. Without her knowing her palms began getting sweaty. They kept slipping from the wheel.Sunny kept pointing her farther and farther into the country side. She was beginning to feel nervous again.Sunny looked out her window and silently thought to herself. What were those pictures she saw in Amber’s phone about? Who was “Dino Oppa 1”? Was Amber planning on eloping with this Oppa? Sunny furrowed her brows. Like hell she’d let that happen. Her test would give Amber a run for her money.Eventually the pair drove into what seemed like a farmyard. Amber parked as directed and watched as Sunny hopped out of the passenger’s side in glee.The short haired blonde followed Sunny towards the back, where the older girl picked up a pair of rubber boots and some gloves. She tossed Amber back a similar pair of items and called for her to hurry up. Amber obediently wore the items and followed Sunny towards a corner of the relatively quiet farm.They passed an old man who smiled at the older girl and waved. Sunny cheerfully waved back and asked him how he was doing, to which he responded he was fine. The old man then smiled at Amber, and she bowed respectfully back after greeting him.Sunny led Amber to a rather large chicken coop. Next to the coop was a large truck with a sizable cage on its hind. Sunny crossed her arms and smirked at Amber, “Well, I’m sure by now you’ve figured out why I’ve brought you here.”Amber blinked a few times before scratching her cheek, “Actually, I still don’t really understand what’s going on.”Sunny continued smiling and pointed at the coop, “Do you know what that is?”Amber nodded slowly, “A chicken coop.”“And what’s in it?”Amber stared at her blankly, “…chickens?”Sunny clapped her hands together, “Correct! Chickens. Now, catching chickens is a very important skill.”Amber looked skeptically at her, “It is?”Sunny nodded, “Of course it is! If you ever get lost in the wild with Soojung and there are wild chickens running everywhere, how will you feed her if you can’t catch dinner?”Amber tried to see where the other girl was coming from. She really did. She could only nod hesitantly, “Okay…”“Good. Now then. I’d like to you welcome you to your third test! I’ll be your proctor for today. Lee Sunkyu at your service!” She pumped her fist in the air, “Today’s test is easy. All you have to do is transport 30 of those chickens into the cage onto that truck without losing any. You have an hour or you fail. Easy right?”Amber bit her lip and stared at the chickens walking calmly in the coop. It couldn’t be that bad right? She nodded and approached the coop. Sunny pulled out a stopwatch and a whistle from her pocket. With an evil look on her face she put the whistle to her lips and blew, “Go!”Amber unlocked the coop and entered. When she approached her first chicken the damn thing kept flying away from her. Furrowing her brows Amber approached it again, but it kept hopping and flying away. She was annoyed now.The blonde got into a crouch and leaped at the chicken. The smart little animal flew away from her and she ended up face down on the ground. Sunny winced as she watched on. That had to hurt.Amber wiped the dirt from her face and growled. Oh she was mad. After viciously chasing after the small chicken in the coop for a while she finally came out of the coop with the stubborn thing clucking in her hands. She quickly set it into the cage on the truck and closed the door.She sighed in relief. Sunny whistled at her, “1 down, 29 to go. You only have 55 minutes now. You should hurry.”Amber widened her eyes. She practically dove back into the coop and began searching for more chickens. The next few chickens came similarly like the first. Amber emerged battered and dirtied from the coop. After the first half hour she had ten chickens in the cage and 20 more to transport. She nodded before she closed the cage on the last one she put it in. She turned to Sunny and smiled, “I think I’m getting the hang of this.”Sunny raised her eyebrows and nodded back, “Well good. I also hope you’re not tired yet.” She pointed at the open coop door, “Because you’ve got yourself a runner.”Amber’s eyes darted to the coop and she immediately dashed to close it. Her eyes frantically looked around until Sunny pointed up on the hill behind the coop. There was a small chicken clucking around calmly, as if it wasn’t ruining Amber’s life. She groaned, “You gotta be kidding me.”“Instead of whining like a little girl I suggest you go and get it. You’ve got less than half an hour now.” Sunny smiled.Amber cursed silently and ran towards the hill. She crouched up by some trees and cooed softly, “Here chicky chicky chicky, here chicky chicky.”Obviously, the chicken did not respond to the way the blonde called out to it. Instead it kept walking and pecking along, minding its own business. As Amber neared it she felt her phone vibrate and ring. The loud noise startled the small animal and it hopped away from Amber frantically.The blonde growled at the animal and roughly pulled her phone out, “Hello?”“Hey, it’s lunch time. I just wanted to see what you were up to. You know I have a free period afterwards.”Amber kept her eyes on the prize and lurked through the trees on the hill, “Huh? Oh yeah I know. Uhm, I’m actually a little busy right now…” she stopped when she was jumping distance from the chicken.“Busy? Doing what? I thought you had today off?”“Yeah, yeah I do. But it’s a little complicated…” she inched closer to the chicken, not blinking once.“…I see. Well what are-what was that?” Amber lunged at the chicken and landed on the ground. She had a grip on one of its legs, but it was a fighter. It pecked at her hands and Amber had to thank her heavy duty gloves. She groaned and struggled to catch it with one hand.“Ugh…sh…one sec Krys!” Krystal pulled the phone away from her ear and looked at it strangely. She could hear sounds of struggle and…clucking? She quickly put the phone to her ear again and called out, “Amber! Are you okay? What’s that sound?”“I…it’s just…stupid bird!” She heard Amber growling and scuffing noises on the other line.“Amber! What the hell is going on over there? What on Earth are you doing?” Sulli and Luna looked at the younger girl with questioning looks on their faces. Krystal put her hands up in the air and made a gesture implying that she had no idea.“Krystal? Krys…OW! You little…hey I’ll call you back later okay? I’m…ow! Stop that! I’ll talk to you after school!”Krystal looked appalled as she heard the dial tone. Amber had never hung up on her like that. Not once. She attempted to call again but only heard the dial tone. Huffing she crossed her arms and pouted. Amber was gonna get it later.Amber turned her phone off and shoved it in her pocket before fully grabbing onto the bird, but carefully holding it an arm’s length away. The stubborn thing really didn’t like being picked up. She carefully made her way back to the truck and quickly set the chicken in before breathing a sigh of relief.Sunny clicked her tongue at Amber, “My my, you’re wasting quite a bit of time, you better hurry.”With a groan Amber had to steel herself and quickly headed back to the coop. After a while she was getting very close. She only had to figh-catch a few more chickens to reach the 30 mark. Right after she closed the cage and was about to head back Sunny appeared in front of her with a frown.The shorter girl shoved the stopwatch in her face and shook her head, “Unfortunately, an hour has already passed.”Amber, who was covered in dirt and had a few bruises couldn’t believe her eyes. She’d failed. She was speechless as she watched Sunny dial a number and set the phone on her shoulder, “Hello?” she approached the coop and calmly walked out with a chicken in her hands, “yeah, she failed mine too. I know. It’s unfortunate. I kind of like her.” Sunny repeated the process a few times until the rest of the chickens were in the coop.Amber dropped her jaw. Sunny’d transported the last remaining chickens within 3 minutes.“Yeah, I mean, I didn’t think my test was that hard, you know?”Amber walked over and sat on a stump while slowly removing the gloves on her hands. Sunny approached her and smiled at whatever it was the other person on the line said, “Of course! I’ll be there soon, so wait for me.” Sunny shut the line off and looked down at Amber, “Well don’t look so down. You did pretty well.”“But I failed.” She looked demoralized.“Yeah, but at least you tried right?” For some reason that didn’t really make her feel better. Amber sighed.“I really love her though.”Sunny’s features softened and her smile became less mischievous and gentler, “I can tell.” She ruffled the top of Amber’s head, “Don’t worry. If it’s meant to be you’ll pass enough tests. Don’t be so down, okay?”Amber nodded slowly and watched Sunny approach the truck.“I’ve got to go deliver these chickens now. It’s what I do for a friend. You know the way back to the freeway right?”Amber nodded again and waved goodbye as Sunny got into the driver’s seat and sped away. She walked back towards her own car, changed her shoes, and pulled out into the road. She couldn’t wipe the frown off her face.By the time she arrived back into the city it was time to pick Krystal up, since the girl also did not have a last period. Sunny had sure taken her quite a ways away. She parked in her usual spot and leaned back in her seat. Krystal entered the passenger’s seat and forgot her anger for a second when she saw the dirt covered and battered down Amber, “What happened to you?”Amber gave a crooked smile at the other girl before starting the car, “I couldn’t catch dinner.”--00--Sunny hummed a soft tune as she drove her truck full of...chickens. Today, she decided, was a wondrously productive day. She tested Amber's capacity to catch chickens, she found enjoyment in watching someone else do half her work for her, and now she was happily driving away with her chickens not a hair out of place. Life was good.Amber: 1Chicke-err-Unnies: 2
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