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L1 Contracts

1. Abide by v. to comply with, to conform

2. Agreement n. a mutual arrangement, a contract

3. Agree v. agreeable adj.

4. Assurance n. q guarantee, confidence

5. Cancel v. to annul, to call off

6. Determine v. to find out, to influence

7. Engage v. to hire, to involve+

8. Establish v. to institute permanently, to bring about

9. Obligate v. to bind legally or morally

10. Obligation n. obligatory adj.

11. Party n. a person or group participating in an action or plan, the persons or sides concerned in a legal matter

12. Provision n. a measure taken beforehand, a stipulation

13. Provider n. provision n.

14. Resolve v. to deal with successfully, to declare

15. Specify v. to mention explicitly

16. Specification v. specific adj.

L2 Marketing

17. Attract v. to draw by appeal

18. Attraction n. attractive adj.

19. Compare v. to examine similarities and differences

20. Comparison n. comparable adj.

21. Compete v. to strive against a rival

22. Consume v. to absorb, to use up

23. Consumer n. consumable adj.

24. Convince v. to bring to believe by argument, to persuade

25. Current adj. Happening or existing at the present time, adv. To be on top of things

26. Fad n. a practice followed enthusiastically for a short time, a craze

27. Inspire v. to spur on, to stimulate imagination or emotion.

28. Market v. the course of buying and selling a product, n. the demand for a product

29. Marketing n. marketable adj.

30. Persuade v. to move by argument or logic

31. Productive adj. Constructive, high yield

32. Satisfy v. to make happy

L3 Warranties

33. Characteristic adj. Revealing of individual traits

34. Consequence n. that which follows necessarily

35. Consider v. to think about carefully

36. Consideration n. considerable

37. Cover v. to provide protection against

38. Expire v. to come to an end

39. Frequently adv. Occurring commonly, widespread

40. Imply v. to indicate by inference

41. Promise v. n. to pledge to do, bring about, or provide

42. Protect v. to guard

43. Protection n. protective adj.

44. Reputation n. the overall quality of character

45. Reputable adj. Reputed adj.

46. Require v. to deem necessary or essential

47. Requirement n. requisite adj.

48. Vary v. to be different from another, to change

L4 Business planning

49. Address v. to direct to the attention of

50. Avoid v. to stay clear of, to keep from happening

51. Demonstrate v. to show clearly and deliberately, to present by example

52. Demonstration n. demonstrative adj.

53. Develop v. to expand, progress, or improve

54. Development n. developer n.

55. Evaluate v. to determine the value or impact of

56. Evaluation n. evaluator n.

57. Gather v. to accumulate, to conclude

58. Offer v. to propose, to present in order to meet a need or satisfy a requirement

59. Primary adj. Most important, first in a list, series, or sequence

60. Risk n. the chance of loss or damage

61. Strategy n. a plan of action

62. Strategize n. strategic adj.

63. Strong adj. Powerful, economically or financially sound

64. Substitute v. to take the place of another

L5 Conferences

65. Accommodate v. to fit, to provide with something needed

66. Accommodation n. accommodating adj.

67. Arrangement n , the plan or organization

68. Association n, an organization of persons or groups having a common interest

69. Attend v, to go to, to pay attention to

70. Attendee n., attendance n.

71. Get in touch v, to make contact with

72. Hold v, to accommodate; to conduct

73. Location n, a position or site

74. Overcrowded a, too crowded

75. Register v, to record

76. Register n. registration n.

77. Select v, to choose from a group

78. Selection n. selective adj.

79. Session n, a meeting

80. Take part in v, to join or participate

L6 computers

81. Access v, to obtain, to gain entry

82. Access n. accessible adj.

83. Allocate v, to designate for a specific purpose

84. Compatible a, able to function together

85. Delete v, to remove; to erase

86. Display n, what is visible on a monitor; v, to show

87. Duplicate v, to produce something equal; to make identical

88. Duplicate n. duplication n,

89. Fail v, not to succeed; not to work correctly

90. Failure n. fallible adj.

91. Figure out v, to understand , to solve

92. Ignore v, not to notice; to disregard

93. Search v, to look for; n, investigation

94. Shot down v, to turn off; to cease operation

95. Warn v, to alert; to tell about a danger or problem

96. Warning n. warning adj.

L7 Office Technology

97. Affordable a, able to be paid for; not too expensive

98. As needed adv, as necessary

99. Be in charge of v, to be in control or command of

100. Capacity n, the ability to contain or hold; the maximum that something can hold

101. Durable a, sturdy, strong, lasting

102. Initiative n, the first step; an active role

103. Initiate v. initiation n.

104. Physical a, perceived by the senses

105. Provider n, a supplier

106. Provide v. provision n.

107. Recur v, to occur again or repeatedly

108. Recurrence n. recurring adj.

109. Reduction n, a lessening , a decrease

110. Reduce v. reducible adj.

111. Stay on top of v, to know what is going on; to know the latest information

112. Stock n, a supply; v, to keep on hand

L8 Office Procedures

113. Appreciate v, to recognize, understand the importance of; to be thankful for

114. Appreciation n. appreciated adj.

115. Be exposed to v, to become aware of; to gain experience in

116. Bring in v, to hire or recruit; to cause to appear

117. Casual a, informal

118. Code n, rules of behavior

119. Glimpse n, a quick look

120. Made of v, to consist of

121. Out of a, no longer having, missing

122. Outdated a, obsolete; not currently in use

123. Practice n, method of doing something

124. Practice v. practical adj.

125. Reinforce v, to strengthen, support

126. Reinforcement n. reinforcing gerund

127. Verbal a, oral

128. Verbalize v. verbally adv.

L9 Electronics

129. Disk n, an object used to store digital information

130. Facilitate v, to make easier

131. Network n, an interconnected group or system

132. Popularity n, the state of being widely admired, sought

133. Popularize v. popular adj.

134. Process n, a series of operations or actions to bring about a result

135. Replace v, to put back in a former place or position

136. Replacement n. replaceable adj.

137. Revolution n, a sudden or momentous change in a situation

138. Revolutionized v. revolutionary adj.

139. Sharp a, abrupt or acute; smart

140. Skills n, developed ability

141. Software n, the programs for a computer

142. Storage n, the safekeeping of goods or information

143. Store v. n.

144. Technical a, special skill or knowledge

L10 Correspondence

145. Assemble v, to put together; to bring together

146. Beforehand adv, early, in advance

147. Complicated a, not easy to understand

148. Complication n. complicated adj.

149. Courier n, a , a messenger

150. Express a, fast and direct

151. Fold v. to bend paper

152. Layout n, a format; the organization of material on a page

153. Mention v, to refer to; n, something read or written

154. Mention n. mentionable adj.

155. Petition n, a formal, written request; v, to make a formal request

156. Proof v, to look for errors

157. Proofreader n. proofing gerund.

158. Registered a, recorded and tracked

159. Registration n. registered adj.

160. Revise v, to rewrite

L11 Job Advertising and Recruiting

161. Abundant a, plentiful, in large quantities; n, a large number

162. Accomplishment n, an achievement, a success

163. Accomplish v. accomplished adj.

164. Bring together v, to join, to gather

165. Candidate n, one being considered for a position, office

166. Come up with v, to plan, to invent, to think of

167. Commensurate a, in proportion to, corresponding, equal to

168. Match n, a fit, a similarity

169. Profile n, a group of characteristics or traits

170. Qualifications n, requirements, qualities, or abilities needed for something

171. Qualify v. qualified adj.

172. Recruit v, to attract people to join an organization of a cause

173. Recruitment n. recruiter n.

174. Submit v, to present for consideration

175. Submission n. submittal n.

176. Time-consuming a, taking up a lot of time

L12 Applying and Interviewing

177. Ability n, a skill, a competence

178. Apply v, to look for

179. Applicant n. application n.

180. Background n, a person's experience

181. Be ready for v, to be prepared

182. Call in v, to request

183. Confidence n, a belief in one's ability

184. Confident adj. Confidently adv.

185. Constantly a, on a continual basis, happening all the time

186. Expert n, a specialist

187. Expertise n. expert adj.

188. Follow up v. to take additional steps, to continue

189. Hesitate v, to pause, to be reluctant

190. Present v. to introduce, to show, to offer for consideration

191. Presentation n. presentable adj.

192. Weakness n, a fault, a quality lacking strength

L13 Hiring and Training

193. Conduct v, to hold, to take place, to behave

194. Generate v, to create, to produce

195. Hire v, to employ, to offer a job or position

196. Hire n. hiring gerund

197. Keep up with v, to stay equal with

198. Look up to v, to admire, to think highly of

199. Mentor n, a person who guides

200. On track a, on schedule

201. Reject v, to turn down, to say no

202. Rejection n. rejecting gerund

203. Set up v, to establish, to arrange; a , arranged

204. Success n, reaching a goal

205. Succeed v. successful adj.

206. Training n, the preparation or education for a specific job

207. Trainer n. trainee n.

208. Update v, to make current. N, the latest information

L14 Salaries and benefits

209. Basis n. the main reason for something, a base or foundation

210. Be aware of v. to be conscious of, to be knowledgeable about

211. Benefits n. the advantages provided to a employee in addition to salary

212. Benefit v. beneficial adj.

213. Compensate v. to pay, to make up for.

214. Compensation n. compensatory adj.

215. Delicate adj. Sensitive, adv. With sensitivity

216. Eligible adj. Able to participate in something, qualified

217. Flexible adj. Not rigid, able to change easily

218. Negotiate v. to talk for the purpose of reaching an agreement, especially on prices or contracts

219. Negotiation n. negotiator n.

220. Raise n. an increase in salary

221. Retire v. to stop working, to withdraw from a business or profession

222. Retirement n. retired adj.

223. Vested adj. Absolute, authorized

224. Wage n. the money paid for work done, usually hourly

L15 Promotions, Pensions and Awards

225. Achieve v, to succeed , to reach a goal

226. Achievement n. achiever n.

227. Contribute v, to add to, to donate, to give

228. Contribution n. contributor n.

229. Dedication n, a commitment to something

230. Dedicate v. dedicated adj.

231. Look forward to v, to anticipate, to be eager for something to happen

232. Looked to v, to depend on , to rely on

233. Loyal a, faithful, believing in something or somebody

234. Merit n, experience, high quality

235. Obvious a, easy to see or understand

236. Productive a, useful, getting a lot done

237. Promote v, to give someone a better job; to support, to make known

238. Promotion n. promoter n.

239. Recognition n, credit, praise for doing something well

240. Value n, worth

L16 Shopping

241. Bargain n, something offered or acquired at a price advantageous to the buyer

242. Bear v, to have a tolerance for, to endure

243. Behavior n, the manner of one's action

244. Checkout n, the act, time, or place of checking out, as at a hotel or a supermarket

245. Comfort n, a condition or feeling of pleasurable ease, well-being, and contentment

246. Comfortable adj. Comfortably adv.

247. Expand v, to increase the size, volume, quantity, or scope of; to enlarge

248. Expansion n. expanded adj.

249. Explore v, to investigate systematically

250. Exploration n. exploratory adj.

251. Item n, a single article or unit

252. Mandatory a, required or commanded, obligatory

253. Merchandise n, items available in stores

254. Strict a, precise. Exact

255. Strictness n. strictly adv.

256. Trend n, the current style

L17 Ordering Supplies

257. Diverse a, different; made up of distinct qualities

258. Diversify v. diversity n.

259. Enterprise n, a business; a large project

260. Essential a, indispensable, necessary

261. Everyday a, common, ordinary

262. Function v, to perform tasks

263. Function n. functional adj.

264. Maintain v, to continue, to support, to sustain

265. Maintainability n. maintainable adj.

266. Obtain v, to acquire

267. Prerequisite n, something that is required or necessary as a prior condition

268. Quality n, a distinguishing characteristic

269. Smooth a, without difficulties; deliberately polite and agreeable in order to win favor

270. Smooth out v. Smoothly adv

271. Source n, the origin

272. Stationery n, writing paper and envelopes

L18 Shipping

273. Accurate a, exact; errorless

274. Accuracy n. accurately adv.

275. Carrier n, a person or business that transports passengers or goods

276. Catalog a, a list or itemized display; v, to make an itemized list of

277. Fulfill v, to finish completely

278. Fulfilling gerund fulfillment n.

279. Integral a, necessary for completion

280. Inventory n, goods in stock; an itemized record of these goods

281. Minimize v, to reduce, to give less importance to

282. Minimal adj. Minimum n.

283. On hand a, available

284. Remember v, to think of again

285. Ship v, to transport; to send

286. Shipper n. shipment n.

287. Sufficient a, as much as is needed

288. Supply v, to make available for use

L19 Invoices

289. Charge n, an expense or a cost; v, to demand payment

290. Compile v, to gather together from several sources

291. Customer n, one who purchases a commodity or service

292. Discount n, a reduction in price; to reduce in price

293. Efficient a, acting or producing effectively with a minimum of waste

294. Estimate v, to approximate the amount or value of something; to form am opinion

a. About something

295. Estimation n. estimating gerund

296. Impose v, to establish or apply as compulsory; to force upon others

297. Imposition n. imposing adj.

298. Mistake n, an error or a fault

299. Mistaken v. adj.

300. Order n, a request made to purchase something ; v, to command or direct

301. Prompt adj being on time or punctual, carried out without delay, n. a reminder or a cue

302. Promptness n. prompt v.

303. Rectify v. to set right or correct

304. Terms n. conditions

L20 Inventory

305. Adjust v. to change in order to match or fit, to cause to correspond

306. Adjustment n. adjustable adj.

307. Automatic adj. Operating independently

308. Automation n. automatically adv.

309. Crucial adj. Extremely significant or important

310. Discrepancy n. a divergence or disagreement

311. Disturb v. to interfere with, to interrupt

312. Disturbance n. disturbingly adv.

313. Liability n. an obligation a responsibility

314. Reflect v. to given back a likeness

315. Reflection n. reflector n.

316. Run v. to operate

317. Scan v. to look over quickly

318. Subtract v. to take away, to deduct

319. Tedious adj. Tiresome by reason of length, slowness, or dullness, boring

320. Verify v. to prove the truth of

L21 Banking

321. Accept v. to receive, to respond favorably

322. Acceptance n. acceptable adj.

323. Balance n. the remainder, v. to compute the difference between credits and debits of an account.

324. Borrow v. to use temporarily

325. Cautious adj. Careful, wary

326. Deduct v. to take away from a total, to subtract

327. Deductible n. deduction n.

328. Dividend n. a share in a distribution

329. Down payment n. an initial partial payment

330. Mortgage n. the amount due on a property, v. to borrow money with your house as collateral.

331. Restriction n. a limitation

332. Restrict v. restricted adj.

333. Signature n. the name of a person written by the person

334. Sign n. v.

335. Take out v. withdraw, remove

336. Transaction n. a business deal

L22 Accounting

337. Accounting n. the recording and gathering of financial information for a company

338. Accountant n. account n.

339. Accumulate v. to gather, to collect

340. Accumulation n. accumulated adj.

341. Asset n. something of value

342. Audit n. a formal examination of financial records, v. to examine the financial

343. Budget n. a list of probable expenses and income for a given period

344. Budget v. budgetary adj.

345. Build up n. to increase over time

346. Client n. a customer

347. Debt n. something owed, as in money or goods

348. Outstanding adj. Still due, not paid or settled

349. Profitable adj. advantageous, beneficial

350. Profit v. n.

351. Reconcile v. to make consistent

352. Turnover n. the number of times a product is sold and replaced or an emloyee leaves and another employee is hired

L23 Investments

353. Aggressive adj. Competitive, assertive

354. Attitude n. a felling about something or someone

355. Commitment n. a promise

356. Commit v. noncommittal adj.

357. Conservative adj. Cautious, restrained

358. Fund n. an amount of money for something specific, v to provide money for

359. Invest v. to put money into a business or activity with the hope of making more money, to put effort into something

360. Investment n. investor n.

361. Long-term adj. involving or extending over a long period

362. Portfolio n. a list of investments

363. Pull out v. to withdraw, to stop participating, n. a withdrawal, removal

364. Resource n. assets, valuable things

365. Return n. the amount of money gained as profit

366. Returns n. returnable adj.

367. Wise adj. Knowledgeable, able to offer advice based on experience

368. Wisdom n. wisely adv.

L24 Taxes

369. Calculate v. to figure out, to compute

370. Calculation n, calculator n.

371. Deadline n. a time by which something must be finished

372. File v. to enter into public record, n. a group of documents or information about a person or an event

373. Fill out v. to complete

374. Give up v. to quit, to stop

375. Joint adj. Together, shared

376. Owe v. to have a debt. To be obligated to pay

377. Owner n. owing gerund

378. Penalty n. a punishment, a consequence

379. Penalize v. penal adj.

380. Prepare v. to make ready

381. Preparation n. preparatory adj.

382. Refund n. the amount paid back, v, to give back

383. Spouse n. a husband or wife

384. Withhold v. to keep from. To refrain from

L25 Financial Statements

385. Desired adj. Wished or longed for

386. Desire n. v.

387. Detail v. to report or relate minutely or in particulars

388. Forecast n, a prediction of a future event .v. to estimate or calculate in advance

389. Level n. a relative position or rank on a scale

390. Overall adj. Regarded as a whole, general

391. Perspective n. a mental view or outlook

392. Projected adj. Estimated, or predicted based or present data

393. Project n. v.

394. Realistic adj. Tending to or expressing an awareness of things as they really are

395. Reality n. realistic adj.

396. Target v. to establish as a goal, n. a goal

397. Translation n. the act or process of translating

398. Translate v. translatable adj.

399. Typical adj. Conforming to a type

400. Yield n. an amount produced, v. to produce a profit

L26 Property and department

401. Adjacent adj. next to

402. Collaboration n. the act pf working with someone

403. Collaborate v. collaboration n.

404. Concentrate v. to focus, to think about

405. Conducive adj. Contributing to, leading to

406. Disrupt v. to interrupt, to disturb

407. Disruption n. disruptive adj.

408. Hamper v. to impede or interfere

409. Inconsiderate adj. Rude, impolite.

410. Lobby n. an anteroom, foyer, or waiting room

411. Move up v. to advance, improve position

412. Open to adj. Receptive to, vulnerable

413. Opt v. to choose, to decide on

414. Option n. optimal adj.

415. Scrutinize v. to look at carefully and closely

416. Scrutiny n. inscrutable adj.

L27 Board Meetings and committees

417. Adhere to v. to follow, to pay attention to

418. Agenda n. a list of topics to be discussed

419. Bring up v. to introduce a topic

420. Conclude v. to stop, to come to a decision

421. Conclusion n. conclusive adj.

422. Go ahead v. to proceed with, n. permission to do something

423. Goal n. objective, purpose

424. Lengthy adj. Long in time, duration, or distance

425. Matter n. an item, issue, topic of interest

426. Periodically adv. From time to time

427. Period n. periondic adj.

428. Priority n. something of importance, something that should be done before other things

429. Prioritize v. prior adj.

430. Progress n. a movement forward, v. to move forward on something, especially work or a project

431. Progression n. progressive adj.

432. Waste b. not to use wisely, n. not worthwhile.

L28 Quality control

433. Brand n. an identifying mark or label, a trademark

434. Conform v. to match specifications or qualities

435. Defect n. an imperfection or flaw

436. Defect n. defective adj.

437. Enhance v. to make more attractive or valuable

438. Garment n. an article of clothing

439. Inspect v. to look at closely, to examine carefully or officially

440. Inspection n. inspector n.

441. Perceive v. to notice, to become aware of, to see

442. Perception n. perceptive adj.

443. Repel v. to keep away, to fight against

444. Repellent n. adj.

445. Take back b. to return something, to withdraw or retract

446. Throw out v. to dispose of

447. Uniform adj. Consistent in form or appearance

448. Wrinkle n. a crease, ridge, or furrow, especially in skin or fabric

L29 Product Development

449. Anxious adj. Worried

450. Anxiety n. anxiously adv.

451. Ascertain v. to discover, to find out for certain

452. Assume v. to take upon oneself, to believe to be true

453. Assumed adj. Assumption n.

454. Decade n. a period of ten years

455. Examine v. to interrogate, to scrutinize

456. Experiment v. to try out a new procedure or idea, n. a test or trial

457. Experimentation n. experimental adj.

458. Logical adj. formally valid, using orderly reasoning

459. Research n. the act of collecting in formation about a particular subject

460. Responsibility n. task

461. Responsible adj. Responsibly adv.

462. Solve v. to find a solution, explanation, or answer

463. Supervisor n. an administrator in charge

464. Systematic adj. Methodical in procedure, organized

L30 Renting and Leasing

465. Apprehensive adj. Anxious about the future

466. Apprehend v. apprehension n.

467. Circumstance n. a condition, a situation

468. Condition n. the state of something, a requirement

469. Conditional adj. Condition v.

470. Due to prep. Because of

471. Fluctuate v. to go up and down, to change

472. Fluctuation n. fluctuating gerund.

473. Get out of v. to escape, to exit

474. Indicator n. a sign, a signal

475. Indicate v. indication n.

476. Lease n. a contract to pay to use property for an amount of time, v. to make a contract to use property

477. Lock into v. to commit, to be unable to change

478. Occupancy n. the state of being or living in a certain place

479. Option n. a choice, an alternative

480. Subject to adj. Under legal power, dependent

L31 Selecting a Restaurant

481. Appeal adj., to be attractive or interesting

482. Arrive v., to reach a destination

483. Compromise n., a settlement of differences in which each side makes concessions

484. Daring adj., to have the courage required

485. Familiar adj., often encountered or seen; common

486. Guide n., one who leads, directs, or gives advice

487. Guidance n., guidable adj.,

488. Majority n., the greater number or part

489. Mix v., to combine or blend into one mass; n., a combination

490. Mixture n., mixable adj.,

491. Rely v., to have confidence in; to depend on

492. Reliability n., reliable adj.,

493. Secure v., to get possession of; to obtain

494. Subjective adj., particular to a given person; highly personal; not objective

495. Suggest v., to offer for consideration or action

496. Suggestion n., suggestible adj.,

L32 Eating out

497. Basic adj., serving as a starting point or basis

498. Complete adj., having all necessary or normal parts, components, or steps

499. Completion n., completely adv.,

500. Excite v., to arouse an emotion

501. Excitement n., exciting adj.,

502. Flavor n., a distinctive taste

503. Forget v., to be unable to remember

504. Forgetful adj., forgettable adj.,

505. Ingredient n., an element in a mixture

506. Judge v., to form an opinion

507. Mix-up n., a confusion; v., to confuse

508. Patron n., a customer, especially a regular customer

509. Predict v., to state, tell about, or make known in advance

510. Prediction n., predictable adv.,

511. Random adj., having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective

512. Remind v., to cause to remember

L 33 Ordering Lunch

513. Burdensome adj., of or like a burden; onerous

514. Common adj., widespread, frequent, usual

515. In common n., commonly

516. Delivery n., the act of conveying or delivering

517. Elegant adj., exhibiting refined, tasteful beauty

518. Elegance n., elegantly adv.,

519. Fall to v., to become one's responsibility

520. Impress v., to affect strongly, often favorably

521. Impression n., impressionable adj.,

522. Individual adj., by or for one person; special; particular

523. Individualize v., individually adv.,

524. List n., a series of names, words, or other items; v., to make a list

525. Multiple adj., having, relating to , or consisting of more than one part

526. Narrow v., to limit or restrict; adj., limited

527. Pick up v., to take on passengers or freight

528. Settle v., to make compensation for, to pay; to choose

L34 Cooking as a career

529. Accustom to v., to become familiar with, to become used to

530. Apprentice n., a student worker in a chosen field v.,

531. Apprenticeship n.,

532. Culinary adj., relating to the kitchen or cooking

533. Demanding adj., requiring much effort or attention

534. Draw v., to cause to come by attracting

535. Incorporate v., to unite one thing with something else already in existence

536. Incorporation n., incorporating gerund.,

537. Influx n., a flowing in

538. Method n., a procedure

539. Methodology n., methodical adj.,

540. Outlet n., a means of release or gratification, as for energies, drives, or desires

541. Profession n., an occupation requiring considerable training and specialized study

542. Professional adj., professionally adv.,

543. Relinquish v., to let go; to surrender

544. Theme n., an implicit or recurrent idea; a motif

L35 Events

545. Assist v., to give help or support to

546. Assistance n., assistant n.

547. Coordinate v., to adjust or arrange parts to work together

548. Dimension n., a measure of width, height, or length

549. Exact adj., characterized by accurate measurements or inferences

550. General adj., involving only the main feature rather than precise details

551. Generalize v., generally adv.,

552. Ideal adj., imaginary; existing as a perfect model

553. Idealize v., ideally adv.

554. Lead time n., the time between the initial stage of a project and the appearance of results

555. Plan n., a scheme for making something happen; v., to formulate a scheme

556. Proximity n., the state, quality, sense, or fact of being near or next to; closeness

557. Regulation n., rules, laws, or controls; v., to control

558. Regulate v., regulatory adj.,

559. Site n., a place or setting

560. Stage v., to exhibit or present

L36 General Travel

561. Agency n., an establishment engaged in doing business

562. Announcement n., a public notification

563. Announce v., announcer n.,

564. Beverage n., a drink other than plain water

565. Blanket n., a covering for keeping warm, especially during sleep; any full coverage; v., to cover uniformly

566. Board v., to enter a boat, plane, or train; to furnish to see the roads v.,

567. Onboard adj.,

568. Claim v., to take as rightful; to retrieve

569. Delay v., to postpone until a later time; n., the period of time during which one is delayed n.,

570. Embark v., to go onboard a flight or ship; to begin

571. Itinerary n., a proposed rout for a journey, showing dates and means of travel

572. Prohibit v., to forbid by authority or to prevent

573. Valid adj., having legal efficacy or correctness

574. Validate v., validation n.,

L37 Airlines

575. Deal with v., phrase, to attend to; mange; to see to

576. Destination n., the place to which one is going or directed

577. Distinguish v., to make noticeable or different]

578. Distinguishable adj., distinguishably adv.,

579. Economical adj., intended to save money, time, or effort

580. Economy n., economize v.,

581. Equivalent adj., equal

582. Excursion n., a pleasure trip; a trip at a reduced fare

583. Expensive adj., marked by high prices

584. Expense n., expensively adv.,

585. Extend v., to make longer; to offer

586. Prospective adj., likely to become or be

587. Situation n., the combination of circumstances at a given moment

588. Substantial adj., considerable in importance, value degree amount, or extent

589. Substance n., substantially adv.,

590. System n., a functionally related group of elements

L38 Trains

591. Comprehensive adj., covering broadly; inclusive

592. Comprehensiveness n., comprehensively adv.,

593. Deluxe adj., noticeably luxurious

594. Directory n., a book or collection of information or directions

595. Duration n., the time during which something lasts

596. Entitle v., to allow or qualify

597. Fare n., the money paid for transportation

598. Offset v., to counterbalance

599. Operate v., to perform a function

600. Operation n., operational adj.,

601. Punctual adj., prompt

602. Punctuality n., punctually adv.,

603. Relatively adv., somewhat

604. Remainder n., the remaining part

605. Remote adj., far removed

606. Remoteness n., remotely adv.,

L39 Hotels

607. Advance n., a move forward

608. Chain n, a group of enterprises under a single control

609. Check in v., to register at a hotel; to report one's presence

610. Confirm v., to validate

611. Confirmation n., confirmed adj.,

612. Expect v., to consider probable or reasonable

613. Expectation n., expectant adj.,

614. Housekeeper n., someone employed to do domestic work

615. Notify v., to report

616. Preclude v., to make impossible; to rule out

617. Quote v., to give exact information on; n., a quotation

618. Quotation n., quotable adj.,

619. Rate n., the payment or price according to a standard

620. Reserve v., to set aside

621. Reservation n., in reserve n.,

622. Service n., useful functions

L40 Car Rentals

623. Busy adj., engaged in activity

624. Coincide v., to happen at the same time

625. Coincidence n., coincidentally adv.,

626. Confusion n., a lack of clarity, order, or understanding

627. Contact v., to get in touch with

628. Disappoint v., to fail to satisfy the hope, desire, or expectation of

629. Intend v., to have in mind

630. Intention n., intent adj.,

631. License n., the legal permission to do or own a specified thing

632. Nervous adj., easily agitated or distressed; uneasy or apprehensive

633. Nervousness n., nervously adv.,

634. Optional adj., not compulsory or automatic

635. Tempt v., to be inviting or attractive to

636. Temptation n., tempting adj.,

637. Thrill n., the source or cause of excitement or emotion

638. Tier n., a rank or class

L41 Movies

639. Attain v., to achieve

640. Attainment n., attainable adj.,

641. Combine v., to come together

642. Continue v., to maintain without interruption

643. Continuation n., continual adj.,

644. Description n., a representation in words or pictures

645. Describe v., descriptive adj.,

646. Disperse v., to spread widely, to scatter

647. Entertainment n., a diverting performance or activity

648. Entertain v., entertaining adj.,

649. Influence v., to alter or affect

650. Range n., the scope

651. Release v., to make available to the pubic; to give permission for performance

652. Represent v., to typify

653. Separate adj., detached; kept apart

654. Successive adj., following in order

L42 Theater

655. Acting n., the series (连续,系列) of events that form the plot of a story or play

656. Approach v. to go near; to come close to in appearance or quality; n., a way or means of reaching something

657. Approachable adj., approach n.,

658. Audience n., the spectators at a performance

659. Create v., to produce through artistic or imaginative effort

660. Creation n., creative adj.,

661. Dialogue n., a conversation between two or more persons

662. Element n., fundamental or essential constituent

663. Experience n., an event or a series of events participated in or lived through v.,

664. Experienced adj.,

665. Occur v., to take place; to come about

666. Perform v., to act before an audience, to give a public presentation of

667. Performance n., performer n.,

668. Rehearse (排演,预演) v., to practice in preparation for a public performance; to direct in rehearsal

669. Review n., a critical estimate of a work or performance; v., writing a criticism of a performance

670. Sold out adj., having all tickets or accommodations completely sold, especially ahead of time; v., to sell all the tickets

L43 Music

671. Available adj., ready for use; willing to serve

672. Broad adj., covering a wide scope(活动范围)

673. Category n., a division in a system of classification; a general class of ideas

674. Categorize v., categorical adj.,

675. Disparate(全异的) adj., fundamentally distinct or different

676. Divide v., to separate into parts

677. Favorite adj., preferred

678. Favorable adj., favorably adv.,

679. Instinct n., an inborn pattern that is a powerful motivation

680. Preference n., someone or something liked over another or others

681. Prefer v., preferential adj.,

682. Reason n., the basis or motive for a action; an underlying fact or cause

683. Relaxation n., the act of reacting or the state of being relaxed; refreshment of body or mind

684. Relax v., relaxed adj.,

685. Taste n., the ability to discern what is excellent or appropriate

686. Urge(促进,催促) v., to advocate earnestly; a., a natural desire

L44 Museums

687. Acquire v., to gain possession of; to get by one's own efforts

688. Admire v., to regard with pleasure; to have esteem or respect for

689. Collection n., a group of objects or works to be seen, studied, or kept together

690. Collect v., collector n.,

691. Criticism n., an evaluation, especially of literary or other artistic works

692. Criticize v., critic n.,

693. Express v., to give an opinion or depict emotion

694. Fashion n., the prevailing style or custom

695. Leisure n., freedom from time-consuming duties; free time

696. Respond v., to make a reply; to react

697. Response n., responsive adj.,

698. Schedule n., a list of times of events; v., to enter on a schedule

699. Significant adj., meaningful; having a major effect; important

700. Specialize v., to concentrate on a particular activity

701. Specialist n., specialized adj.,

702. Spectrum n., a range of related qualities, ideas, or activities

L45 Media

703. Assignment n., v., something, such as a task, that is assigned

704. Choose v., to select one thing over another

705. Choice n., choosy adj.,

706. Constant n., something that is unchanging or invariable(不变的,永恒的)

707. Constitute(制定,建立) n., to be the elements or parts of

708. Decisive adj., characterized by decision and firmness

709. Disseminate(散布) v., to scatter widely; to distribute

710. Impact n., a strong, immediate impression

711. In depth adj., in complete detail; thorough

712. Investigative adj., specializing in uncovering and reporting hidden information

713. Investigation n., investigate v.,

714. Link n., an association; a relationship

715. Subscribe v., to receive a periodical regularly on order

716. Subscription n., subscribers n.,

717. Thorough (十分的,彻底的) adj., exhaustively complete

718. Thoroughness n., thoroughly adv.,

L46 Doctor's Office

719. Annual adj., yearly

720. Appointment n., arrangements for a meeting; a position in a profession

721. Assess v., to determine the value or rate of something

722. Assessment n., assessable adj.,

723. Diagnose (诊断) v., to recognize a disease; to analyze the nature of something

724. Diagnosis n., diagnostic adj.,

725. Effective adj., producing the desired effect; being in effect

726. Instrument n., a tool for precise work; the means whereby something is achieved

727. Manage v., to handle; to deal with; to guide

728. Prevent v., to keep from happening; to hinder

729. Prevention n., preventive

730. Recommend v., to present as worthy; to endorse

731. Recommendation n., recommendable adj.,

732. Record(挡案) v., to set down in writing; n., a official copy of documents

733. Refer v., to direct for treatment or information; to mention

734. Serious adj., weighty

L47 Dentist's office

735. Aware adj., having knowledge

736. Catch up v., to bring up to date

737. Distraction n., the act of being turned away from the focus

738. Distract v., distracted adj.,

739. Encouragement n., inspiration or support

740. Evident adj., easily seen or understood; obvious

741. Evidence n., evidently adv.,

742. Habit n., a customary manner or practice

743. Habitual adj., habitually adv.,

744. Illuminate(照明,照亮) v., to provide or brighten with light

745. Irritate(激怒,刺激) v., to chafe or inflame, to bother

746. Irritation n., irritable adj.,

747. Overview n., a summary; a survey; a quick look

748. Position n., the right or appropriate place

749. Regularly adv., occurring at fixed intervals

750. Restore v., to bring back to an original condition

L48 Health Insurance

751. Allow v., to let do or happen; to permit

752. Allowance n., allowable adj.,

753. Alternative n., the choice between two mutually exclusive possibilities

754. Alternate v., alternatively adv.,

755. Aspect n., a feature element; an appearance

756. Concern v., to be of interest or importance to

757. Emphasize v., to stress

758. Emphasis n., emphatic adj.,

759. Incur招致 v., to acquire or come into

760. Personnel n., a group of employees or workers

761. Policy n., a set of rules and regulations

762. Portion一部分 n., a section or quantity within a larger thing; a part of a whole

763. Regardless adv., in spite of

764. Salary n., a fixed compensation paid regularly for work done; one's pay

765. Suitable adj., appropriate to a purpose or an occasion

766. Suit v., suitably adv.,

L49 Hospitals

767. Admit v., to permit to enter

768. Admittance n., admission n.,

769. Authorization n., the act of sanctioning

770. Designate v., to indicate or specify

771. Designation n., designator n.,

772. Escort n., a person accompanying another to guide or protect

773. Identify v., to ascertain the name or belongings of

774. Identifiable adj., identification n.,

775. Missing n., an inner calling to pursue an activity or perform a service

776. Permit v., to allow

777. Permissible adj., permission n.,

778. Pertinent adj., having relevance to the matter at hand

779. Procedure n., a series of steps taken to accomplish an end

780. Result n., an outcome

781. Statement n., an accounting showing an amount due; a bill

782. Usual adj., ordinary, expected

L50 Pharmacy

783. Consult v., to seek advice or information of

784. Consultation n., consultative adj.,

785. Control v., to exercise authoritative or dominating influence

786. Convenient adj., suited or favorable to one's purpose; easy to reach

787. Convenience n., conveniently adv.,

788. Detect v., to discover or ascertain

789. Detection n., detectable adj.,

790. Factor n., a contribution to an accomplishment, a result, or a process

791. Interaction n., an influence; a mutual activity

792. Limit n., the point beyond which something cannot proceed

793. Monitor v., to keep track of

794. Potential adj., capable of being but not ye in existence; possible

795. Sample n., a portion, piece, or segment that is representative of a whole

796. Sense n., a judgment; an intellectual interpretation

797. Volunteer n., one who performs a service without pay; v., to perform as a volunteer

798. Volunteerism n., voluntary adj.,

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