Shobbs: Series OneShot
361 lượt thích / 6577 lượt đọc
Chắc sẽ là những OneShot, trans chắc chắn sẽ có trước :V Rồi viết thì tính sau, cái thuyền nó đang khá là rộng nên tôi leo lên, thật ra tôi leo lên từ khi Deckard Shaw xuất hiện trong Series Fast and Furious rồi.
5 chương mới nhất truyện Shobbs: Series OneShot
Danh sách chương Shobbs: Series OneShot
- Mở đầu
- Fall into somthing else
- I did this not because of you
- I still worship the flame
- His voice (1)
- His voice (2)
- Better now (1)
- Better now (2)
- The time we had together (1)
- The time we had together (2)
- The time we had together (3)
- The time we had together (4)
- The time we had together (5)
- The time we had together (6.1)
- The time we had together (6.2)
- You are my world (1)
- You are my world (2)
- You are my world (3)
- You are my world (4)
- You are my world (5)
- You are my world (6)
- Take me out (1)
- Take me out (2)